I was thinking after using ds-patch exploit on my ds, dsi 2ds I though what if we mod the patched rom so we also can have folders on the patched rom loading via ds download & play so we can make it have directories and name it "Workshop" and just add Save editing tools and minigame roms and demos and homebrew and stock it up and make it a community utility so if you have a DS or DS Lite and you dont wanna buy a r4 you can just A: Host workshop on pc B:Use a other DS model or a flashcart to host workshop and so you have that one last pokemon on your save just use workshop and install pokemon chest or you want to play solitare from clubhouse games demo mode or cool homebrew and if we host it as a sort of host it yourself by grabbing updated files we can have a github repo full of the apps and nds files so when you host workshop when the DS that is in workshop says "I want Solitare" it goes to pc and it goes to the repo gets solitare and sends it back to workshop and the DS loads it
If anyone has any ideas or any help I will gladly take it I am also hoping to ask if anyone knows if you can get the roms for stuff like the "gifts" from clubhouse games where you send it over Download and play if there is a rom for that
If anyone has any ideas or any help I will gladly take it I am also hoping to ask if anyone knows if you can get the roms for stuff like the "gifts" from clubhouse games where you send it over Download and play if there is a rom for that