Hello all.
I am on a quest to connect my PS2 (composite or component) to my 22" monitor (VGA/HDMI).
My optimal goal is to go from PS2 component cables to my monitor's HDMI input.
I have found several converter boxes that can make the above connections (comp -> HDMI), but the boxes cost $100 upwards of $200. I dont have the money, otherwise I would just buy a T.V. with the correct hookups.
My other option, if this would even work, is to go from my PS2 component cables into a component to DVI converter
and then connect that component -> DVI converter into a DVI -> HDMI converter cable (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812105826)
I am aware that the cable in the link above is male and the converter is male too. I will find a female DVI plug in a few minutes.
I am just curious as to whether or not this will work? Does anyone have a better solution that works for them?
EDIT: sorry, I forgot this... What is the best type of DVI? Apparently there is one that does only analog, one that does only digital, and one that does both???
Thanks in advance.
I am on a quest to connect my PS2 (composite or component) to my 22" monitor (VGA/HDMI).
My optimal goal is to go from PS2 component cables to my monitor's HDMI input.
I have found several converter boxes that can make the above connections (comp -> HDMI), but the boxes cost $100 upwards of $200. I dont have the money, otherwise I would just buy a T.V. with the correct hookups.
My other option, if this would even work, is to go from my PS2 component cables into a component to DVI converter
and then connect that component -> DVI converter into a DVI -> HDMI converter cable (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812105826)
I am aware that the cable in the link above is male and the converter is male too. I will find a female DVI plug in a few minutes.
I am just curious as to whether or not this will work? Does anyone have a better solution that works for them?
EDIT: sorry, I forgot this... What is the best type of DVI? Apparently there is one that does only analog, one that does only digital, and one that does both???
Thanks in advance.