@2K417 , can you update the last faith v 1.0.11525.20.0 to v 1.5.12434.20.41
astlibra tid 0100f8d01a06000 v 1.0.5 to v 1.0.6
sea of star v 1.0.46131 to v 1.1.53063 ?
the last faith
tid 0100c69018e4a000
[credit to kaito b master code]
580F0000 04816638
400B0000 00000000 031BC800
680F01B0 10FFFEA1 120002C3
400B0000 00000000 031BC808
680F01B0 1E220028 B9400021
400B0000 00000000 031BC810
680F01B0 D65F03C0 1E280800
400B0000 00000000 031BC818
680F01B0 B40000D5 2A0003F7
400B0000 00000000 031BC820
680F01B0 B4000081 F9404AA1
400B0000 00000000 031BC828
680F01B0 B4000042 F9401822
400B0000 00000000 031BC830
680F01B0 D65F03C0 4A1702F7
400B0000 00000000 017E0884
640F01B0 00000000 94676FE5
[inf HP]
400B0000 00000000 017DB6E8
640F01B0 00000000 1E2703E1
[2x damage]
400B0000 00000000 0187D624
640F01B0 00000000 9464FC77
04000000 031C83C8 00000002
[4x damage]
400B0000 00000000 0187D624
640F01B0 00000000 9464FC77
04000000 031C83C8 00000004
[8x damage]
400B0000 00000000 0187D624
640F01B0 00000000 9464FC77
04000000 031C83C8 00000008
[crit hit]
400B0000 00000000 0187DCCC
640F01B0 00000000 1E2B2940
[inf jump]
400B0000 00000000 01D50E60
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 01D50FA0
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[pluto core 2x]
400B0000 00000000 0268387C
640F01B0 00000000 0B1507E2
[pluto core 4x]
400B0000 00000000 0268387C
640F01B0 00000000 0B150BE2
[pluto core 8x]
400B0000 00000000 0268387C
640F01B0 00000000 0B150FE2
[inf energy]
400B0000 00000000 018DA220
640F01B0 00000000 4B1F02A1
[undiminished concentration]
400B0000 00000000 0187F158
640F01B0 00000000 4B1F0128
[inf bullet]
400B0000 00000000 0187F23C
640F01B0 00000000 4A010021
[inf consumable]
400B0000 00000000 017DA2D0
640F01B0 00000000 52800001
[increase drop rate of item]
400B0000 00000000 017897E4
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 017897F8
640F01B0 00000000 1E282100
[movement speed increase ]
400B0000 00000000 03145DD4
640F01B0 00000000 1E201001
[climb speed increase]
400B0000 00000000 03145E14
640F01B0 00000000 1E201001
400B0000 00000000 03145E34
640F01B0 00000000 1E201001
[jump height increase]
400B0000 00000000 03145DB4
640F01B0 00000000 1E2E9001
[improved avoidance distance]
400B0000 00000000 031BC7F0
680F01B0 1E2F1003 BD400FE0
400B0000 00000000 031BC7F8
680F01B0 D65F03C0 1E230800
400B0000 00000000 01B0F754
640F01B0 00000000 945AB427
[tumbling has no cooling time]
400B0000 00000000 01D4FDDC
640F01B0 00000000 1E2703E0
[death trap invalidation]
400B0000 00000000 02989828
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[free material for upgrading weapon]
400B0000 00000000 016CB154
640F01B0 00000000 B8010F5F
400B0000 00000000 016CB210
640F01B0 00000000 B900169F
400B0000 00000000 016CB380
640F01B0 00000000 52800028
[upgrade only cost 1 nether core]
400B0000 00000000 017FDA4C
640F01B0 00000000 52800020
[shopping only cost 1 core ]
400B0000 00000000 01AF98F0
640F01B0 00000000 52800020
[it can be used even if the quantity of item is insufficient]
400B0000 00000000 01AC4688
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[when you die frequently must enter execution state]
400B0000 00000000 0189401C
640F01B0 00000000 1E282100
tid 0100f8d01a06000
[credit to kaito b master code]
580F0000 006E8E98
400B0000 00000000 00558DF0
680F01B0 1E201001 394002E8
400B0000 00000000 00558DF8
680F01B0 D65F03C0 1E21094A
400B0000 00000000 00558E00
680F01B0 18FFB526 1E380101
400B0000 00000000 00558E08
680F01B0 D65F03C0 1B067C21
400B0000 00000000 00175450
640F01B0 00000000 6B1A035F
400B0000 00000000 00176230
640F01B0 00000000 5280002B
400B0000 00000000 001BA61C
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 004B6F44
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[2x damage]
400B0000 00000000 0018EC98
640F01B0 00000000 940F285A
04000000 00565F58 00000002
[4x damage]
400B0000 00000000 0018EC98
640F01B0 00000000 940F285A
04000000 00565F58 00000004
[8x damage]
400B0000 00000000 0018EC98
640F01B0 00000000 940F285A
04000000 00565F58 00000008
[16x damage]
400B0000 00000000 0018EC98
640F01B0 00000000 940F285A
04000000 00565F58 00000010
[4x money]
400B0000 00000000 00181504
640F01B0 00000000 531E7400
400B0000 00000000 00181508
680F01B0 D65F03C0 2A0003F3
400B0000 00000000 00181524
640F01B0 00000000 97FFFFF8
[all equipment]
400B0000 00000000 001D7F14
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 001D8B2C
640F01B0 00000000 52800028
[unlimited energy]
400B0000 00000000 00175934
640F01B0 00000000 1E204020
400B0000 00000000 00214028
640F01B0 00000000 1E2703E8
400B0000 00000000 002210F0
640F01B0 00000000 1E204020
[inf jump]
400B0000 00000000 00183B0C
680F01B0 52800028 D503201F
[inf money]
400B0000 00000000 0020C1A4
640F01B0 00000000 4B1F0129
400B0000 00000000 0020C50C
640F01B0 00000000 4B1F0108
[inf item on]
400B0000 00000000 001C3268
640F01B0 00000000 4B1F0108
[inf item off]
400B0000 00000000 001C3268
640F01B0 00000000 4B140108
[inf blue crystal]
400B0000 00000000 001F7D78
640F01B0 00000000 71000109
400B0000 00000000 001F8028
680F01B0 4B1F0108 4B1F0108
[exp 2x]
400B0000 00000000 0016EB94
640F01B0 00000000 0B1407E0
[exp 4x]
400B0000 00000000 0016EB94
640F01B0 00000000 0B140BE0
[exp 8x]
400B0000 00000000 0016EB94
640F01B0 00000000 0B140FE0
[exp 16x]
400B0000 00000000 0016EB94
640F01B0 00000000 0B1413E0
[can automatically combo]
400B0000 00000000 00340A18
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[double the number of combo]
400B0000 00000000 0018F3D4
640F01B0 00000000 11000908
[inf blocking bar]
400B0000 00000000 00188354
640F01B0 00000000 1E204020
[power crystal 2x]
400B0000 00000000 00182FFC
640F01B0 00000000 11000929
400B0000 00000000 001830C0
640F01B0 00000000 11002929
400B0000 00000000 00183178
640F01B0 00000000 1100C929
400B0000 00000000 00183230
640F01B0 00000000 1103E929
400B0000 00000000 001832E8
640F01B0 00000000 11138929
[inf power crystal]
400B0000 00000000 005026B0
640F01B0 00000000 4B1F0129
[free material when purchasing goods]
400B0000 00000000 0020C074
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[movement speed increased ]
400B0000 00000000 0018C664
640F01B0 00000000 940F31E3
[jump height increase]
400B0000 00000000 0018CEB0
640F01B0 00000000 528001A3
[reduce falling speed ]
400B0000 00000000 00183ED0
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[unlimited oxygen in water]
400B0000 00000000 001BBD94
640F01B0 00000000 51000108
[auto block attack]
400B0000 00000000 001758F4
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 00175928
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 00188390
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[attack range expanded]
400B0000 00000000 00194410
640F01B0 00000000 1E27D001
400B0000 00000000 001A81DC
640F01B0 00000000 1E27D009
400B0000 00000000 001A81EC
640F01B0 00000000 1E27D009
[additional sword energy to attack]
400B0000 00000000 00191350
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[automatically pick up gold coin]
400B0000 00000000 00181D7C
640F01B0 00000000 14000041
[automatically pick up crystal]
400B0000 00000000 00182DEC
640F01B0 00000000 14000052
[automatically pick up item]
400B0000 00000000 001CE3EC
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[display enemy health]
400B0000 00000000 0016A7E4
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[display damage value]
400B0000 00000000 00184928
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[show enemt attributes]
400B0000 00000000 0016A648
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[show enemy defense bar]
400B0000 00000000 0016AD88
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[shield weight becomes 0]
400B0000 00000000 002186E8
640F01B0 00000000 1E204120
[increase anti defense critical hit rate]
400B0000 00000000 0018100C
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[extracting power become stable]
400B0000 00000000 00205D14
640F01B0 00000000 2A1403F4
[extracting power is greatly improved]
400B0000 00000000 002058C0
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[increase the drop rate of item]
400B0000 00000000 001CEA08
640F01B0 00000000 52800158
400B0000 00000000 001CEA40
640F01B0 00000000 1E200C08
[show crystal type dropped]
400B0000 00000000 0016A2F8
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 0016A728
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 0016DF2C
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[reducing the impact of wind and snow climate]
400B0000 00000000 004D549C
640F01B0 00000000 1E212020
[walking speed on snow does not decrease]
400B0000 00000000 0018C70C
640F01B0 00000000 1E2E1001
[no need to wait to use item]
400B0000 00000000 001C17B8
640F01B0 00000000 4B1F03E8
[item recovery effect is doubled]
400B0000 00000000 001C1A88
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 001C1A90
640F01B0 00000000 1E201001
[item duration extended]
400B0000 00000000 001C278C
640F01B0 00000000 5284E209
[speed up item throwing speed]
400B0000 00000000 001961D8
640F01B0 00000000 1E2A0D4B
[shield bash quick cooldown]
400B0000 00000000 00194100
640F01B0 00000000 4B0A014B
[shield slam releases tornado]
400B0000 00000000 0021FC08
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[two handed weapon can be equipped with shield]
400B0000 00000000 001DB8F4
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[equipment proficiency increase rapidly]
400B0000 00000000 0016EAC0
640F01B0 00000000 1E27F001
400B0000 00000000 0016EAD8
640F01B0 00000000 1E27F001
[displaty number of treasure chest in current area]
400B0000 00000000 00203E00
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
sea of star
tid 01008c0016544000
[credit to kaito b master code]
580F0000 05F327B0
400B0000 00000000 03FF79A8
680F01B0 1E205008 BD41B903
400B0000 00000000 03FF79B0
680F01B0 17C8CACD 1E280863
400B0000 00000000 03FF79B8
680F01B0 10FFFEC8 1A8BC100
400B0000 00000000 03FF79C0
680F01B0 1B097C00 B9400109
400B0000 00000000 03FF79C8
680F01B0 F940094A D65F03C0
400B0000 00000000 03FF79D0
680F01B0 D65F03C0 11001908
400B0000 00000000 03FF79D8
680F01B0 B9400109 10FFFE08
400B0000 00000000 03FF79E0
680F01B0 1E2A0800 1E22012A
400B0000 00000000 03FF79E8
640F01B0 00000000 D65F03C0
[inf HP]
400B0000 00000000 02485CD8
640F01B0 00000000 1E283901
400B0000 00000000 02485EB8
640F01B0 00000000 1E219C20
[2x damage]
400B0000 00000000 02486838
640F01B0 00000000 146DC468
400B0000 00000000 02487430
640F01B0 00000000 146DC16A
04000000 0401C328 00000002
[4x damage]
400B0000 00000000 02486838
640F01B0 00000000 146DC468
400B0000 00000000 02487430
640F01B0 00000000 146DC16A
04000000 0401C328 00000004
[inf MP]
400B0000 00000000 01F85FC4
640F01B0 00000000 4B1F0001
400B0000 00000000 023FADB4
640F01B0 00000000 52800016
[skill quickly charge]
400B0000 00000000 0231085C
640F01B0 00000000 1E283900
400B0000 00000000 02310AE8
640F01B0 00000000 14000012
400B0000 00000000 02310A64
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 02BD5644
640F01B0 00000000 11000D15
[combined skill amount Max]
400B0000 00000000 01B02408
640F01B0 00000000 52817714
400B0000 00000000 01B02418
640F01B0 00000000 52817714
400B0000 00000000 01B02FA4
640F01B0 00000000 52800009
[ultimate skill amount Max]
400B0000 00000000 01B02A38
640F01B0 00000000 1A88B101
400B0000 00000000 01B02F78
640F01B0 00000000 1A88B101
[attack additional blood sucking effect]
400B0000 00000000 0233488C
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 023348A4
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 023348A8
680F01B0 13027EE1 2A0003F7
400B0000 00000000 023348B0
680F01B0 14000011 1E220028
[can be quickly resurrected after being killed in battle]
400B0000 00000000 0287CA04
640F01B0 00000000 6B140281
[do not clear vitalty enhancement after attack]
400B0000 00000000 01F84610
640F01B0 00000000 52800008
400B0000 00000000 021228F4
640F01B0 00000000 52800008
[increased amount activated mana ball obtained]
400B0000 00000000 023302BC
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 0233A668
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 02526C94
640F01B0 00000000 0B1507E0
[splash of the sun ball will cause full damage]
400B0000 00000000 02486AD8
640F01B0 00000000 1E2E1000
[at the end of the moon boomerang all attack are launched]
400B0000 00000000 023333A4
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[money 4x]
400B0000 00000000 02039F24
640F01B0 00000000 94000008
400B0000 00000000 02039F44
640F01B0 00000000 B9401908
400B0000 00000000 02039F48
680F01B0 D65F03C0 0B080BE8
400B0000 00000000 01B0AA68
640F01B0 00000000 0B13090B
[free shopping ]
400B0000 00000000 01D45CB4
640F01B0 00000000 1B1F7C02
[inf item]
400B0000 00000000 023F2178
640F01B0 00000000 52800002
400B0000 00000000 01B0928C
640F01B0 00000000 52800002
[exp 2x]
400B0000 00000000 0212BFD4
640F01B0 00000000 947B2E79
04000000 0401C324 00000002
[exp 4x]
400B0000 00000000 0212BFD4
640F01B0 00000000 947B2E79
04000000 0401C324 00000004
[exp 8x]
400B0000 00000000 0212BFD4
640F01B0 00000000 947B2E79
04000000 0401C324 00000008
[exp 16x]
400B0000 00000000 0212BFD4
640F01B0 00000000 947B2E79
04000000 0401C324 00000010
[recipe fully open while cooking]
400B0000 00000000 01D13F40
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[get double rainbow conch]
400B0000 00000000 01E32710
640F01B0 00000000 52800042
[all prize can be exchanged in the exchanged]
400B0000 00000000 01CDA938
640F01B0 00000000 52800B40
400B0000 00000000 01C93674
640F01B0 00000000 52800008
[all skill unlocked]
400B0000 00000000 039DC86C
640F01B0 00000000 52800160
[fishing automation]
400B0000 00000000 0374A7A0
640F01B0 00000000 36000580
[automatic precision attack]
400B0000 00000000 01F894E4
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 024873D4
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 0233056C
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 0248836C
640F01B0 00000000 1E211C20
400B0000 00000000 02DAB67C
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 02483008
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[automatic precise blocking]
400B0000 00000000 01F8A778
640F01B0 00000000 320002A0
[improved treatment effect]
400B0000 00000000 0248962C
640F01B0 00000000 BD405A60
400B0000 00000000 0248A84C
640F01B0 00000000 BD405260
[make precise shot]
400B0000 00000000 03239524
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 03239564
640F01B0 00000000 52800021
[will not be eaten by enemy]
400B0000 00000000 02DE6B88
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[effect of normal attack mana recovery is double]
400B0000 00000000 023346B8
640F01B0 00000000 0B1307E1
[display enemy health (including boss)]
400B0000 00000000 021D77C8
640F01B0 00000000 321F7BE8
[show enemy weakness (including boss)]
400B0000 00000000 021D7810
640F01B0 00000000 1400002E
[unlimited number of spins for our side in the roulette game]
400B0000 00000000 026C4A8C
640F01B0 00000000 11000129
[roulette game enemy cannot gain energy]
400B0000 00000000 0338BC48
640F01B0 00000000 52800000
[rapid evolution heroes in roulette game]
400B0000 00000000 0338B9F4
640F01B0 00000000 9431AFF6
400B0000 00000000 0338BA1C
640F01B0 00000000 9431AFEC
[movement speed increased]
400B0000 00000000 032434F4
640F01B0 00000000 1E2F9001
400B0000 00000000 03243504
640F01B0 00000000 1E2F9001
[swimming speed increase]
400B0000 00000000 0322A4E4
640F01B0 00000000 14373531
[enemy can not move]
400B0000 00000000 025AFFC8
640F01B0 00000000 B9007A7F
[unlock the rope dart function in advance]
400B0000 00000000 03224B64
640F01B0 00000000 52800020
400B0000 00000000 03224B9C
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
[no need for heavenly runes to control time]
400B0000 00000000 01E46CFC
640F01B0 00000000 1A9FC7E0