Today marks the start of where the Patreon and Public builds will differentiate. NSO SNES v4.0 was released today, and as I have previously warned/informed, it will not be supported with the Public release for about a month.
Of note, I noticed a flaw with my plans to keep the 2 builds separate with automatic updates. The flaw is with the Full Unlock, which I tend to re-use the same URL path for. And the result is that when the Full Unlock is updated, its updated for both versions of CaVE. Rather then just address it with a new URL, I have decided to leave that. The reasoning is, I have seen people in the past jump the gun and update their app to the latest NSO. I still do not recommend doing that until support for that version is available with the public build, but now... if you happen to do that... there will be a procedure to download it. Technically that procedure wont work yet, but still. It will in the future.
For a heads up for future releases... In the past month I have been working on some improvements to CaVE.
FTP support is seemingly done, and ready for Patreon users when I make that next build. FTP will work like USB, and support access to the SD card files and Save NAND for syncing. With it is a revamp of the whole Sync feature, including MTP. It works mostly the same, but with some minor differences. Some cosmetic, some practical. The Saves syncing will no longer run every single time you load the app/load a database. It will only scan and load your saves when you select the Saves tab, and as usual that tab will only be accessible when "connected". I put that in quotes, as FTP is only connected when a transfer is active. So the equivalent is "Server and FTP service are available". FTP support has been tested with DBI FTP, and FTPD. There is a sys-ftpd too that i have been made aware of but have not tested with. As its based on FTPD though, I imagine it should work. Just FTPD only supports SD access last I looked. Not Save NAND.
Another minor change coming is to the automatic update code. I just finished revamping that as well. I fixed a couple issues, but most importantly, it will support preset databases (Just the meta data. Not images). This is to prepare for the next major work on CaVE I will be doing. Google Sheet Import/Exporting.
That feature will be more of a community development feature. One meant to help make contributing to the preset and compatibility sheets far more easy. It wont be available to the average user. But with the support of preset databases with automatic updates, those changes can be made available to the average users quickly and easily.