Hello! I tried to restore emmc backup on nintendo switch but I see an error from 1st photo. At partition folder USER.00 file have zero byte size. Then I tried restore rawnand backup as a single file, still not working.
If open emmc at tegraexplorer, USER folder don't open with DESC: NO FAT error.
And for last try I open rawnand in Hacdiskmount, dump USER folder and I recieve error (2nd photo)
Am I have bad backup? If I can't restore backup (gamesaves most important for me) then how can I upload clean firmware (with cfw of course)?
If open emmc at tegraexplorer, USER folder don't open with DESC: NO FAT error.
And for last try I open rawnand in Hacdiskmount, dump USER folder and I recieve error (2nd photo)
Am I have bad backup? If I can't restore backup (gamesaves most important for me) then how can I upload clean firmware (with cfw of course)?