On an ordinary CD, the groove does not "wobble". On a CD-R, the groove "wobbles" throughout the disk at a frequency corresponding to 22 050 Hz at 1x CLV speed. This groove is placed on blank disks by the CD-R factory. A CD-R writing laser uses the premade wobbling groove to know the proper timing to use for burning.
On a PS1 disk, the groove mostly does not wobble, except for part of "lead-in". Here, the wobble isn't continuous like a CD-R; rather, it spells out the letters "SCEI", "SCEA", "SCEE" or (rarely) "SCEW".
You can't modify the wobbling on a CD-R because the wobbling is there even on a "blank" disk. You're much better off trying to use CD pressing facilities to do this...which is very expensive, of course.