ether2802 said:Still none of the apps can use the DSi advantages (Cameras, SD Slot, memory, full capacity of the procesor, etc etc etc), some say it is up the flashcards, some say it is up to the way of making an app (according with what I understood)...!!
TrolleyDave said:It's the flashcart itself as far as I'm aware. It boots the DSi into DS compatible mode which switches off all the DSi extras.
gui3 said:TrolleyDave said:It's the flashcart itself as far as I'm aware. It boots the DSi into DS compatible mode which switches off all the DSi extras.
that's really interesting. i guess full DSI hardware support is being worked on?
Another World said:i speculate that it has been hacked for sometime but the few who actually know what they are doing do not wish to release anything because there are now so many children in this hobby. before you actaully had to spend $200 to get a GBA flash linker and then weeks researching, hacking, patching roms just so they worked (partially). i don't think we will see dsi kits until the flash linker companies figure it out, which by the way they code their firmrwares won't be anytime soon.
-another world