Buying a modded switch lite?


New Member
Nov 3, 2024
Hi guys,
I have no switch hacking or modding experience but I like the idea of tinfoil and loading NSPs onto a micro SD card for play. I can buy a modded switch lite and the picture of the hekate launcher shows v6.2.1. The seller says he's only been playing roms and homebrews on it and keeps it in airplane mode. If I buy this switch, what am I likely going to need to look out for, to not be scammed, and what am I going to need to do to get it running my NSPs? Should I download the HATS pack onto a 256gb card and go through the install process even if the device is already setup? Thanks!


The Treasure Tracker
Oct 19, 2022
Serbia, Republic of
If you need to update your Switch after purchase, you can follow this guide.
If you're like me and just installing games in NSP/XCI format and playing them on your Switch, I'd say it's totally fine to update to the latest firmware (19.0.1), Atmosphere (1.8.0-pre), Hekate (6.2.2) and sys-patch (1.5.4).

The seller says he's only been playing roms and homebrews on it and keeps it in airplane mode. If I buy this switch, what am I likely going to need to look out for, to not be scammed, and what am I going to need to do to get it running my NSPs?
I'm not an expert but I'd check whether it can access eShop while in stock firmware. It'll confirm whether it's banned or not. Being in an airplane mode doesn't keep the console from getting banned. If they've installed pirated content to the sysNAND in the past, it's already "dirty" and without a clean backup to restore back to, it'll get banned as soon as you connect to the Nintendo servers.

If they can access the eShop, you should be fine then, just make sure to use emuNAND from that point forward if you'd like to play pirated games. After you buy it and receive it, I'd check once again if eShop access works and you can download something from it. If successful and you don't plan on using your Switch to play legit games on your Switch Lite, I'd remove all saved wireless connections and "clean it up a bit" (I'm not sure if you can do a factory reset on a modchipped Switch). After that, I'd meake a "clean" NAND backup just in case things go wrong somewhere down the line.

After that, I'd create an emuNAND from scratch by following this guide. Make sure to set up DNS MITM afterwards if you'd like to connect to the Internet on your emuNAND and previously mentioned sys-patch if you want to play game backups.

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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @IC_, that was a response to what you said
  • IC_ @ IC_:
    I know, but I wanted to ask you as well.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @IC_, Yeah I guess
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Mediocre at worst
  • IC_ @ IC_:
    I guess that's still not the worst.
    For a long time it used to be, that whenever anyone asked me how I'm doing, I could only ever give negative answers.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @IC_, btw I made a bluesky account a while ago but i'm not yet used to it bc most of the content I get is not of my interest
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    @IC_, thats why i'm staying in Twitter
  • IC_ @ IC_:
    I haven't ever used either of them, besides viewing specific content while logged-out.
  • IC_ @ IC_:
    I am not sure what to think of Bluesky. Some people are overly positive about it, some are overly negative. It popped out of nowhere when seemingly everyone who dumped Twitter had already moved to Mastodon or similar federated services.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @IC_, not liking/doing what everyone else likes/does sort of makes me feel bad
  • IC_ @ IC_:
    I still don't get what the deal with Bluesky is, I heard it was supposed to be federated and possible to self-host like Mastodon as well, but somehow I haven't seen or heard anyone doing that. Yet people complain about community and moderation issues on the official Bluesky instance. I really don't get what's going on and how it's supposed to work.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @IC_, Yeah most of the posts I get are either about polítics or selfies and all that
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @IC_, although I just asked on the official subreddit if there is any feed(s) with the content I like
  • IC_ @ IC_:
    Myself, I have no interest in using (having an account on) such a social media website. People are often surprised that I don't have any social media and none of the most popular IM services, especially in real life. But I continue to stand against it, even when so many people have complained about it. Even if it makes my life a bit harder.
  • A @ anotherthing:
    I don't bother with social media.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @anotherthing, being online is one of my few ways of entertainment since I will be murdered/kidnapped if I go outside while alone
  • IC_ @ IC_:
    At some point I should probably create my own blog website, so my blogs can reach more people outside of GBAtemp. Long-form blogs are much nicer in my opinion compared to this modern "microblogging".
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @IC_, I ran out of ideas for blog entries and thus I just make profile posts
  • IC_ @ IC_:
    I still have lots of ideas, but it unfortunately does take a lot more effort to write a good blog entry with photos than to write a simple post.
  • IC_ @ IC_:
    Once I finish this project I've been working on for months, I'll hopefully do a blog entry about it.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @IC_, I have been starting making a game, I will record a gameplay of the battle system once it's relatively done
  • IC_ @ IC_:
    Haven't ever heard of it, but it could be interesting. Are you using RPGmaker for it, or something else?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @IC_, gdevelop
  • IC_ @ IC_:
    Nice, it's open-source.
    IC_ @ IC_: Nice, it's open-source.