Thanks a bunch
One more question, any good newbie tutorials around? Thinking in particular of avoiding bricking a modded Wii, and what might happen etc.
Welll the bricking thing is quite easy:
3 scenarios, say you have a pal wii:
- You did not update your wii thru the internet and update thru an ntsc game:
-> your wii bricks or semibricks. (semibrick = you cannot enter your settings menu anymore)
- You did update your wii thru the internet and still get an update request that IS avoidable, like paper mario (I think paper mario anyway). Apply brick blocker to the iso and reburn and play with that.
- You did update your wii thru the internet and still get an unavoidable update request, like mario galaxy, which you perform
-> your wii will not brick or semibrick but you will get duplicate undeletable unfunctional channels (no biggy)
-> this can be prevented with the metroid trick: during that update remove power to yer wii at about 20% of the update. Then, reburn the game with brickblocker applied. Play using the latter disc.
Therefore: General rule: Games of your own region are always okay to update. APPLY wiibrickblocker to games not your region!
Check the compatibility list for what you have to do to what game here:
This list will tell you what game needs an update like mario galaxy, and which games can be brickblocked, etc.
The name says region patcher, this relates to both modchips and software-patches (you can't boot those without a modchip anyway but hey).