I'm still rather confused about the new HBC title ID. It's no longer a 4-character ID, so what does Priiloader boot into? My cousin's Wii is a generation 3 white Wii (bought right before the black Wii's were shipped) and does not have any form of protection other than BootMii IOS and Priiloader. I want to update the HBC to 108, but their Priiloader is still at 0.2 (I think) and I'm too scared to update HBC, update Priiloader and suddenly run into a bug that stuffs up the Priiloader installation (known Priiloader 0.5 issue) which will end up with a nice, expensive brick.
Will updating the HBC to 108 stop older revisions of Priiloader to boot into it?
Will updating the HBC to 108 stop older revisions of Priiloader to boot into it?