I have had a hardmod installed in my Wii, and it was running older games well, but it couldn't run the newer ones, such as Bit.Trip Complete (PAL version). I have no idea what kind of harmod my Wii has, so I can't update it. I recently used Letterbomb to install the Homebrew Channel on my Wii, and I also installed the newest Neogamma. I've put the disc in and tried to run the game, but it didn't work. I thought that maybe I did something wrong, but when I tried a game that would normally run without any extra homebrew, It did run through Neogamma. I'm also sure that the disc isn't broken, because the game runs in my computer,on the Dolphin emulator. Does the Neogamma support the Bit.Trip Complete (PAL)? I would have bought the game, but it isn't out in Poland yet.