The death sentence is a barbaric practice from a less civilized age
What is the purpose of execution?
It doesn't:
Deter crime
Bring back the dead
Save the taxpayer money
Execution is preceded by 10+ years of protracted legal battles that are more expensive than simply imprisoning someone for life.
The point of the death penalty is to play on your emotions, blood for blood - an eye for an eye
From an objective practical point of view - the practice accomplishes one thing. Vengeance
Aren't we beyond vengeance? Almost every other first world nation has banned the death penalty
And we don't even do it painless - there have been MANY botched executions
Not to mention all the people who were killed who were wrongly convicted - if it's even 1% it's 1% too many
I support Biden, where he went wrong was not commuting all 40 to life imprisonment. It's stupid we even have a death row. I guess to continue our international embarrassment