Emulation Best way to emulate N64 on the Wii U?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2023
I heard the (v)Wii VC would be the best ones, since Nintendo poured a lot of effort into them, tailoring each of them to the game. So if a N64 game is available as Wii VC that should give the best experience. But due to the nature of the emulator being tailed to the game, I don't think you can do injects as easily there. Also sadly there is no legal way any more to obtain them, except buying a used Wii, which has them.
On the Wii U VC they became more lazy, make because of more resources to waste and because they made a generic emulator. Also it has this dark filter


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2022
I heard the (v)Wii VC would be the best ones, since Nintendo poured a lot of effort into them, tailoring each of them to the game. So if a N64 game is available as Wii VC that should give the best experience. But due to the nature of the emulator being tailed to the game, I don't think you can do injects as easily there. Also sadly there is no legal way any more to obtain them, except buying a used Wii, which has them.
On the Wii U VC they became more lazy, make because of more resources to waste and because they made a generic emulator. Also it has this dark filter
Even so, the N64vc games on Wii U are better, nowadays we can remove the dark filter.

The real problem is that the only way to play N64 on Wii U is by injecting from N64VC or using Wii64 1.3 or Wii64 1.3 rice.
which are wii emulators on the wii u's vwii this is the only way currently like what doesn't work on the wii u's N64vc u will have to inject the wii64.
A sad story but reality of this moment.

because this way you will have a little more games to play.
other details if you have a parallel pro controller forget to play on the wii64 as this control will not work only the original pro controller and the gamepad

I didn't mention not64 because it only works with the original pro controller, it doesn't even work on the gamepad and its compatibility is the same as the normal Wii64 without being the rice version that runs games that the common one doesn't run.

In short, playing N64 on Wii U is just a few games and the rest is suffering with Wii emulators that are old.


Feb 14, 2022
United States
I'm not sure about Aroma, still rocking Tiramisu :P but I think there's a plugin or module that autoload the CPU clock when booting vWii HB or something like that?

EDIT: @lordelan this I think? https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-c2p_patcher-aroma-plugin.625590/

I'm so glad I found this thread! I'm hoping this group of experts can help me think straight--

I've been playing N64 games like Bomberman 64 with my custom controllers and want to expand the number of games I can play.

I've been reading through various GBATEMP threads for weeks on and off trying to figure out the best answer to my goal of smoothly playing more N64 games (as much as is currently possible) and getting more and more confused as I find different answers. Can you guys please help me think through my confusion?

The low hanging fruit answer I see often is- make an inject! Which definitely will work for many games (and I will do for various games), but what about games like 007, Turok and other un-injectables/problem games? Or modded/custom games like Smash Remix or Last Impact? If I can't inject them (in a runnable state) what is the next best solution?

What I think I'm coming to understand (and please correct my misunderstandings) is that the next best option is to boot to vWii and use Wii64 1.3 or NOT64. What I'm struggling to understand is it sounds like I can improve the smoothness/experience/fps by utilizing the Wii U hardware and overclocking the vWii (which uses a single core) or even use all three cores?

Some of the things I've seen are:
  • c2p_patcher>c2w_patcher>cafe2wii>WiiMode (is this the 1.3x clock speed on a single core? or does it unlock all three cores?)
    • Can all three cores be used? If so, thinking this would be ideal?
  • Use TeconMoon's WiiVC Injector to inject homebrew (Not sure how to implement this for Wii64/Not64)
  • Use TeconMoon's WiiVC Injector to inject Ploggy's Unlocked Emus (supposedly works really well (maybe best option?) but can't find the unlocked emus. /watch?v=x24B_LTekpY)
Could the community please weigh in on what options actually exist and which ones would be best to pursue? Thanks in advance!

Edit: Forgot to mention I'm on Aroma.
Last edited by CaptainSmackdown,

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