Atmosphere Switch CFW updated to version 1.3.0, adds OFW 14.0.0 support
After the release of the official 14.0.0 Nintendo Switch firmware on Monday, the Atmosphere team got to work on support for the latest software update. And now the wait is over, as Atmosphere 1.3.0 is available now, in pre-release form. Beyond just support for the current Switch firmware are some new features and streamlining; Atmosphere's build system was re-written, and according to SciresM, this release makes it possible for users to make a debugging build of Atmosphere.
In addition, CTCaer's hekate and Nyx have both been updated with 14.0.0 support, which brings better boot speeds. Hekate is currently at 5.7.0, while Nyx is at version 1.2.0.
A full changelog can be seen below, and all of the mentioned releases can be downloaded from their respective official GitHub project pages, as always.
- Support was added for 14.0.0.
- mesosphère was updated to reflect the latest official kernel behavior.
- erpt was updated to reflect the latest official behaviors.
- pm was updated to reflect the latest official behaviors.
- fatal was updated to reflect the latest official behaviors.
- A mechanism for automatically cleaning up erpt_reports was added.
- When booting, if the console has more than 1000 reports inside /atmosphere/erpt_reports, the folder will be cleaned to empty.
- This behavior can be disabled by setting erpt!disable_automatic_report_cleanup = u8!0x1 in system_settings.ini.
- Atmosphère's build system was re-written, and now allows globally building for various builds/configs.
- All boards now automatically support release/debugging/auditing targets; it is now possible to build a full debugging/auditing build of atmosphère for the first time.
- Support was added for compiling libstratosphère to run on PC.
- The currently implemented/tested targets are Windows (x64), Linux (x64, arm64), macOS (x64, arm64).
- If you are a developer interested in adding support for another target, please reach out to SciresM#0524 on discord.
- This is intended to finally allow sanely testing Atmosphère's code, by allowing most of it to run on a PC (with access to a debugger) instead of on game console hardware.
- In addition, this will allow making PC tools which reuse code written for Atmosphère directly..
- Please Note: This has no relation to interacting with official software on PC whatsoever. This really allows for making tests and self-contained atmosphère-based command-line tools; the Atmosphère project continues to have zero interest in attempting to run official software of any kind.
- In the course of adding this support (and working on tooling using it), a number of fairly major revisions were made to stratosphere (particularly surrounding filesystem code).
- Please Note: A number of changes made for this (and ones necessary in the process of adding support for 14.0.0) are api-breaking.
- If you're a developer and any of this caused your code to break, please feel free to contact SciresM#0524 for help updating your program.
- General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.