Hey everyone! I just got a Crystal Blue 2DS for Christmas yesterday, and I'm loving it!
The only problem is that I don't have any games, and I don't want to spend my money because I'm using that for Majora's Mask 3D. I just learned if you get a 2DS, 3DS, or 3DS XL and SSB4, Pokemon OR, or Pokemon AS and register them both I can get a free download code for a few select titles. I registered my 2DS, and now I need a code from one of those games! Is anyone willing or kind enough to let me have their PIN from one of their games? 
~Thanks Tempers
EDIT: Anybody Willing To Do A Good Christmas Favor*
(What a fail)
~Thanks Tempers
EDIT: Anybody Willing To Do A Good Christmas Favor*
(What a fail)