Really? It shouldn't be possible.Eh? It works fine for me on 3.60 without asking to update.
Dunno man, works fine for me though! I haven't got update blocker or anything like that. Literally just the HENkaku hack and that's it.
I made a quick video:
I feel your pain on that yo. I was able to remote play on 3.60 actually, but today I installed the accountswitcher thingy, switched profiles and back to my original once and now I get the system update prompt whenever I try remote play. FML
If you have set up remote play before 3.61 came out, you can still use remote play without update.. If you did not set up remote play before 3.61 came out, then you must log-in to your PSN account but can't because it checks your firmware. At least that's what I think.
It has nothing to do with you switching profiles, now it is required to be on 3.61 to remote play and log into PSN.
Wrong. Remote play doesn't connect to the server when you have already set it up. If you want absolutely be sure, turn Internet off of your router and try to connect to your Vita directly. It works.No, when Vita update blocker was working remote play was also working, that's because the 3.60 firmware was still able to connect to the network, you couldn't log into the PS Store as normal but you could do things like receive notifications, sync trophies and remote play without having to update or use the blocker...
Now that it is %100 required to log into PSN nothing works.
you have a ps3? only way to do itI cant do anything without it asking me to update. Im trying to get vhbl bubble but i cant get a psp demo/game to do it from the store or a transfer because a update notification and the update blocker 1.2 wont work
you have a ps3? only way to do it ps3? How? Heck i'll buy one today