Yeah, like the thread title reads, is there any chance we can get Wii64 (rice) or Not64 natively ported from the vWii to the Wii U side of the system? For a long time, there hasn't been a major need for this, as Wii U pro controllers and even the GamePad was usable in the vWii homebrew if it were injected properly as a channel to install directly to the Wii U menu. This coupled with the overclock app made for a pretty solid N64 emulator on the Wii U. But now that we have an official bluetooth N64 controller available to us for the Switch, we should be able to get it working on a Wii U as long as we pair it via Bloopair. But, Bloopair connected controllers will cease to work when you do anything in the vWii, including such homebre apps, even if injected and installed to allow for the GamePad to be used. Bloopair only works for the Wii U proper side of the system. I'm sure I'm not the first to ask over the years for any vWii homebrew emulators to be natively ported to the Wii U side of the system, but I feel like this is one of the strongest reasons we've yet seen for any of the N64 emulator forks to see such a port. I'm sure that's far easier said than done, but if it can happen, that really would be amazing.