After cleaning sysnand with haku33 my switch bricked so I updated fusee and atmosphere followed these instructions "boot atmosphère 1.6.1 or higher on sysmmc.
To be sure that you are using sysmmc, you can inject hekate, and select "emuMMC" -> "Change emuMMC" -> "Disable" (in the upper right corner).
After doing this, you can boot sysmmc with fusee.bin (or using hekate), and the problem will be automatically fixed"
This didn't work so to fix it, i had to inject TegraExplorer.bin, then navigate to "browse emmc" -> "system" -> "saves" and delete all the files there. Then go back to the first folder and run atmosphere from there (im not sure how it was called but something like "run atmosphere.bin/payload". But remember to first update your Atmosphere to the latest! Then the console started and was factory reset.
So now its working will it be banned if I connected to Nintendos server? I will remove the sd card first.
The reason I am asking is that I want to list it on ebay but I don't want someone the end up with a banned switch 2 months down the road.
Kindest Regards
After cleaning sysnand with haku33 my switch bricked so I updated fusee and atmosphere followed these instructions "boot atmosphère 1.6.1 or higher on sysmmc.
To be sure that you are using sysmmc, you can inject hekate, and select "emuMMC" -> "Change emuMMC" -> "Disable" (in the upper right corner).
After doing this, you can boot sysmmc with fusee.bin (or using hekate), and the problem will be automatically fixed"
This didn't work so to fix it, i had to inject TegraExplorer.bin, then navigate to "browse emmc" -> "system" -> "saves" and delete all the files there. Then go back to the first folder and run atmosphere from there (im not sure how it was called but something like "run atmosphere.bin/payload". But remember to first update your Atmosphere to the latest! Then the console started and was factory reset.
So now its working will it be banned if I connected to Nintendos server? I will remove the sd card first.
The reason I am asking is that I want to list it on ebay but I don't want someone the end up with a banned switch 2 months down the road.
Kindest Regards