I have an ACNL save made on Japanese version of the game. So game is in that language too.
I want to start playing it in English, but do not want to start over especially when I already have progress done (like house expansions, new villagers etc.)
If I move the save from JPN version to EUR or USA version of the game, will it work?
Alternatively, will changing the language in Luma Locale Switcher work?
If neither options work, I may try either sticking to the original Japanese version or make an English save file and then modify it to be similar to Japanese save file.
Thank you for help in advance.
I want to start playing it in English, but do not want to start over especially when I already have progress done (like house expansions, new villagers etc.)
If I move the save from JPN version to EUR or USA version of the game, will it work?
Alternatively, will changing the language in Luma Locale Switcher work?
If neither options work, I may try either sticking to the original Japanese version or make an English save file and then modify it to be similar to Japanese save file.
Thank you for help in advance.