6.20 TN-C (HEN) Signed Released !!
6.20 TN-C (HEN) Signed Instructions:
TN Hen C. This archive contains all you need to run the Hen. (or alternate link here)
- unzip the Hen archive (download above) at the root of your memory stick
- Go to the “Game” section in your PSP menu, and Run the Hen
- That’s it!
For more information :
Wololo's TN HEN info
Wololo's forums 6.20 TN HEN Compatible Plugins
Prometheus Iso Loader by Liquidzigong
QUOTE( Total_Noob's Latest Update) said:Sunday, December 12, 2010
Little update: Plugins Support
Hi guys,
Today I just add plugins support to my TN HEN. Most of the plugins will not work, because lots of plugins are desgined for 5.XX. I perhaps may update some plugins for you, like cxmb, dayviewer. The VshMenu now has a new option FAST SCROLL MUSIC (thanks to Torch who allows me to use it).
Latest Videos
- Reversed all systemctrl exports
- Added USB battery charging
- Added ability to watch 480x272 avc video
- Added feature to skip gameboot
- Added possibilty to hide PIC0.PNG and PIC1.PNG
- Fixed issue with some VLF homebrews
- Added possibilty to adjust CPU speed
- Added fake region feature
- Added TN network update
- Resolved all important NIDs
- Encreased homebrew compatibilty
- Compressed rebootex
- Added sctrlKernelSetUserLevel, now you can run VLF homebrews!
- Added sctrlKernelSetDevkitVersion
- Cleaned up the code
- ParitionCheck has a new structure, fixed (now you can load unpacked prxes), thanks to Davee!
- One patch of ModuleManager was not right, fixed (now you can run all homebrews), thanks to Davee!
- Added some systemctrl exports
- Added kubridge library (now psardumper can be loaded)
- Added compatibilty with PSP-1000 and PSP-3000 (PSP GO isn't arrived yet)
- You can load prxes (but only packed, thanks for this tip to GENyUS)
- Added mesgled patch (thanks to Dr. Soup)
- Fixed PartitionCheck patch
- Completed sceModuleManager patch
- Added sceLoadExec patch
- Added 4. Brightness
- Fixed wlan crash
- Added memlmd, umdcache, mediasync, vsh_module and game_module patch
- Improved rebootex
- Now systemctrl will be loaded from memory stick (like chickhen)
- Reversed Systemctrl (30%)
- Added Version Spoofer [6.20 TN (HEN)]
- Rebootex reverse engineered (Load systemctrl.prx successfully)
- Rebootex executable
[0/00/2010 I don't know anymore xD]
- Kernel Exploit founded
[titleriginal announcement @ pspking.de (translated by hunter291]Hey Guys,
I'm working on a 6.20 TN (HEN). I found a Kernel Exploit long ago, but never have done anything with it. Yesterday I started programming and I'm very fast.
- Improved rebootex
- Now systemctrl will be loaded from memory stick (like chickhen)
- Reversed Systemctrl (30%)
- Added Version Spoofer [6.20 TN (HEN)]
- Rebootex reverse engineered (Load systemctrl.prx successfully)
- Rebootex executable
[0/00/2010 I don't know anymore xD]
- Kernel Exploit founded
- Reverse Engineering systemctrl & vshctrl
I got another week of holiday that I use for programming. After holiday I got no time! I will work at the weekends on it and I think I will release it before christmas.
Why do I work on a 6.20 TN (HEN)?
6.20GEN-A will never be released and I want to make you happy
Will it work on the PSPGo ?
Yes, but I don't have a Go, i will borrow one
Do you have proofs that you have a Kernel exploit?
Yes, watch this Video.
The Screen is flashing purple at the end which means that Rebootex was executed.
With friendly greets
I'm working on a 6.20 TN (HEN). I found a Kernel Exploit long ago, but never have done anything with it. Yesterday I started programming and I'm very fast.
- Improved rebootex
- Now systemctrl will be loaded from memory stick (like chickhen)
- Reversed Systemctrl (30%)
- Added Version Spoofer [6.20 TN (HEN)]
- Rebootex reverse engineered (Load systemctrl.prx successfully)
- Rebootex executable
[0/00/2010 I don't know anymore xD]
- Kernel Exploit founded
- Reverse Engineering systemctrl & vshctrl
I got another week of holiday that I use for programming. After holiday I got no time! I will work at the weekends on it and I think I will release it before christmas.
Why do I work on a 6.20 TN (HEN)?
6.20GEN-A will never be released and I want to make you happy
Will it work on the PSPGo ?
Yes, but I don't have a Go, i will borrow one
Do you have proofs that you have a Kernel exploit?
Yes, watch this Video.
The Screen is flashing purple at the end which means that Rebootex was executed.
With friendly greets
Total_Noob's Blog
All credits go to hunter291 for the translation