Aww wow, thank you so much! I'm doing well, thank you. I'm glad to see the thread, you've made such amazing art with so little in the tool.
Glad you're a-okay, and thank you! I'm quite adaptable, which is funny to say after trying Colors! 3D again and feeling nauseous from using it. No, seriously. I can't stand using that app anymore. I don't know why.
Hm, if the color picker is the most useful thing I could add right now, I could try to do that. The problem is that I've stopped using windows because it's been so horrible to me and the only 3ds tooling setup I have is on there. I'll have to see if I can get it set up on linux. I know undo would be amazing, it's just very difficult to implement from what I remember. I'm already using up most of the video memory, so I'd have to copy between video memory and main memory to make a snapshot for undos, which is extremely slow. It would probably cause lag at the end of brush strokes. I can start looking around at solutions again though.
By color picker, do you mean the ability to craft a particular color, or the ability to pick up a color, like the eye dropper tool? Which one is more important? I can try to do both if possible (if I can get my setup working again).
Thank you for using the app, it makes me feel nice that you find it charming and want to use it.
The eye-dropper tool is what I'm referring to. I'd say it is of greater priority than undoing, as mistakes aren't so hard to fix (especially if one uses saves carefully, loading old saves or saving multiple backups) whereas changing colors is a constant action and remembering which were being used can be somewhat tedious, even if I set aside a palette to work with (which I did for my Gillbert illustration).
Linux seems to be the way nowadays, though the migration won't be easy. I'm afraid of when the day comes that I'll have no choice but to switch over to it too. Take your time and do what you can! If undoing isn't feasible, maybe an autosave feature or a save reminder feature could work as alternatives to not lose progress. You could also prompt users if they want to save a new file or overwrite the existing one (for the autosave I mean, since the app already prompts for overwriting when saving normally). I'm merely throwing ideas around, as I do.
In any case, your app has legitimately kept me creatively productive and I am evermore grateful of you for making it~★*