Was wanting to try Pokémon Eternal X & went to the G drive got the ver of the mod I wanted but saved to my sd & put it in my 3ds.. Turns out the mod file was corrupted and I lost all my save data, games, photos, and Mii data. What I'm most worried about recovering is my saves & mods (Bc I play a lot of Gay Fire Emblem). IT's an nightmare making sure each mod is compatible & I can't recall all my mods dl'd. It's just my luck with my 3ds lately this & the system slipping from my hands on hard wood floor shelling popping off and the screen protector cracking. I read a lil on Testdisk & am trying to recover files that way & I think it found some bc its moving some files to drive Dmitri ( D: ) If anyone has any advice please let me know bc my luck has been fucking dogshit as of late. If I can't Ima probly just toss my 3ds on ebay ort something bc FUCK this was depressing. Letting it try & recover but nc if it will work