1tb microSD sandisk dead can it be fixed?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2015
United States
Ok were to start off? This is a doozy....
I bought 2 1TB SSD drives. 1 for my ps3 slim that was having hdd issues, and one for my 2014 acer aspire e5 touch laptop. I bought the 1tb microsd for my unpatched first gen hacked switch. I used the usb microsd card reader adapter thing from my b9s r4i flashcart for my 3ds to format the 1tb microsd card to fat32 format with guiformat.

I did all this so i could do a system data backup off the ps3 before i did the hdd to sdd upgrade swap. Now i deleted as much usless data off the ps3 to save time on the backup process but it still took like 24 hours. 12 of backing up and 12 to restore. After all that the ps3 runs faster boots up fatser opens the in game xmb faster so success. I used the ps3 to delete the 125gb backup Off the micro sd card.

I then used a 5tb mypassport usb hdd to do some backing up and system restore/windows 10 reinstaller stuff on the laptop. This laptop is my only pc and my main hacking tool for my switch to inject payloads. 5tb usb has all my games bla bla.

So i figured its time to upgrade the switch from 256gb sd to the 1tb.
If i remembered correctly it is advised to have the sd card in fat32 format vs exfat and thus thought should be good to go to pop the 1tb micro sd out the usb card reader and into the switch and start following a switch hacking guide.

Step one partitioning the Sd card for emuMMC. This is the moment shit hit the fan for some reason. As i put the 1tb sd into the switch it wouldn't recognize or see the 1tb sd card at all. Said card reader error. So i pop it out to put in the r4i usb adapter. The pc chirps and will show up as a drive with 0mb space total. Cant format it, can run disk management and see it there but cant do anything to it. Cant do a check disk for errors in any way properties window or comand prompt. Just get errors of windows can not access the drive.

Googled this for 3 days. I bought the 1tb micro sd off amazon last summer so over the amazon return window but i do have proof of purchase and sandisk claim 10 year warrantys on their cards so i have contacted them directly. Will try the legal and proper route first. If sandisk fuck me ill just buy another card from walmart and return the bad one.

But in the mean time, im debating on putting my old hdd back in the laptop and see if the old drivers on that setup will let me see the bad 1tb micro sd.

If still fukked i was wondering if there was that linux live cd distro made for repairing pc computers if that can let me fix this bad sd card? Im under the assumption its just some corrupt data and or formatting issue cockblocking it from working right. I mean i literaly only just opened the package a week ago and used it for 1 big data transfer. Is that all it takes to kill em?
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Aug 23, 2023
For this and all following commands, you need to open the command prompt before you run diskpart. Type cmd from the run command window from the Windows search box or the run command dialog box that you open with the Windows+R key combination.

To create a partition:

  • At a command prompt, type: diskpart
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type list disk (Note the drive number you wish to manipulate.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type: select disk 0 (This selects disk to edit; make sure to type in the disk number from step two.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type create partition primary size=10000 (The size parameter refers to the size in megabytes. In this case, 10000 equals 10 GB. Change the word primary to extended to create an extended partition. If you do not set a size, then all available space on the disk will be used for the partition.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type assign letter=D (Choose an unused drive letter.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type exit
  • From the command prompt, use the format command, or the Disk Management utility in Windows or any disk format tool to format the drive. You would typically use the NTFS file system during the initialization process.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2015
United States
For this and all following commands, you need to open the command prompt before you run diskpart. Type cmd from the run command window from the Windows search box or the run command dialog box that you open with the Windows+R key combination.

To create a partition:

  • At a command prompt, type: diskpart
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type list disk (Note the drive number you wish to manipulate.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type: select disk 0 (This selects disk to edit; make sure to type in the disk number from step two.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type create partition primary size=10000 (The size parameter refers to the size in megabytes. In this case, 10000 equals 10 GB. Change the word primary to extended to create an extended partition. If you do not set a size, then all available space on the disk will be used for the partition.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type assign letter=D (Choose an unused drive letter.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type exit
  • From the command prompt, use the format command, or the Disk Management utility in Windows or any disk format tool to format the drive. You would typically use the NTFS file system during the initialization process.
This seems like its missing steps.

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