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  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Rewrite history all you want but a simple Google check would tell you that's just insane
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    I'm going to, but not until I get a new tv.
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    I play 90% of my video games on my pc now
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Oil executives = gas prices
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    And not until there is the likely revision that reduces power and noise.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    My PC is too old now. Its 15 years old but Ive upgraded the ram and GPU a couple times. To upgrade now I'
  • Vetusomaru @ Vetusomaru:
    PC and Switch are the only current gen games I play
  • Vetusomaru @ Vetusomaru:
    PS5 has no games
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    @K3Nv2, ironically a lot of prices are based on confidence. Stock market already shot up
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Id need an entire new MB and all. Would cost me considerably more than a PS5 Pro. Plus I have nearly 20 years of digital purchases. I'm kinda locked in on that shit. lol.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Might do switch 2 for my next console ignored Nintendo since wiiu
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Funny, when I look at the store on my PS5 there are thousands of titles available to play. Are you sure you didn't buy the Pea-Ess-Fyve from Wish or Temu? :P
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Ken buy it and don't turn it on for 2 years then mod it lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    How I modded my switch 2 for $500
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    only thing I really dislike about the PS5 and Series X is neither support Dolby Vision with 4K Blu-rays.
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    I still miss my gamecube and 360
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Especially odd for the Series X when games support Dolby Vision. They already have the DV licensing for the console.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Or just keep wifi off but they'll probably do bs where you have to be online
  • Vetusomaru @ Vetusomaru:
    you can play Gamecube games on Wii. or emulate it easily.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Fucking maintenance never came and my hvac went out just glad it was after summer
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    yeah I can emulate the gamecube easily
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Loved my GameCube. Loved my dual nand 360 too, until my dense former friend logged into Live on the wrong nand and got the entire console banned. :(
  • Vetusomaru @ Vetusomaru:
    i still have my Xbox 360 but the controller is broken and never bothered buying a new one since i stopped playing with it
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    not entirely the same though :(
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Guy didn't offer to even HELP replace it
    RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars: Guy didn't offer to even HELP replace it