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  1. P

    Hacking M3i Zero freezes on start up with (M21) + (M63)

    i have exactly the same problem same setup, i thought maybe i needed new software on the mem card as it might be corrupt, yet to download some new, a link would be nice, ill try tomorow whats suggested to see if mine works, pleased its not just me its happening too
  2. P

    u.k newbie

    been a long time lurker, love the gaming seen, own a ps3, wii, 360 elite, dsi, used to have abit of a private collection n64 / v64 snes/ wildcard xbox / soft modded gamecube panasonic Q dreamcast miss all the above but moved house and wanted rid, regret it now, especialy all the homebrew and...
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    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Woke Pokémon 2025 Pikachu can fall in love with a male Pikachu if he wants