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  1. Vermil

    ROM Hack [Release] MHXX 1st & 2nd Monster Size Mod Plugin

    I used "Unknown Search" for that and some of the Cheats are not Intended for use online. Sorry no, Because a lot of cheats are broken when I convert them to an Online Plugin.
  2. Vermil

    ROM Hack [Release] MHXX 1st & 2nd Monster Size Mod Plugin

    I'm using N3DS XL so i don't know if it works for O3DS and I don't have a plugin generator for Mode-3. Anyways, Plugin Updated to v2.3; *Fixed [2nd Monster Size Mod v2] and [2nd Monster HP v2] to...
  3. Vermil

    ROM Hack [Release] MHXX 1st & 2nd Monster Size Mod Plugin

    Sadly, yes it only works for MHXX 1.2.0. I sent you the G-Drive link for the update 1.2.0 CIA via DM. So check your message.
  4. Vermil

    ROM Hack [CTRPF] MH3U USA Free Cheats

    It's a B Type code; BXXXXXXX 00000000 Used when the Address is Dynamic. Here's a video on how to make one;
  5. Vermil

    ROM Hack [CTRPF] MH3U USA Free Cheats

    Yea, Cuz you need Pointer Codes For That Game since the Addresses changes when; 1. After launching the Game, Go straight to Tavern and do an Arena Quest and see for Yourself. 2. Or Fail a Quest then do Another Quest. EDIT: And feel free to add my codes when you make a plugin;)
  6. Vermil

    ROM Hack [Release] MHXX 1st & 2nd Monster Size Mod Plugin

    PLUGIN UPDATED TO v2.2; *Fixed [1st Monster Size Mod v1] and [1st MONSTER HP v1] This now works for all 1st Main Monsters and For Seltas And "MANTIS". *Fixed [2nd Monster Size Mod v1] and [2nd...
  7. Vermil

    ROM Hack Can't get NTR or other cheat utilities to work.

    Yea, a lot of people also having the 0kb issue cuz they didn't grabbed/downloaded the txt from Github properly. Here's some tip from the owner of the repo from Github.
  8. Vermil

    ROM Hack [Release] MHXX 1st & 2nd Monster Size Mod Plugin

    PLUGIN UPDATED!; *Added [1stOR2nd Monster Size Mod v5] For the "MANTIS" *Added [MONSTER HP MODIFIERS] Which can be used to balance the game since [DEMON EDGE SHARPNESS] is too 'OP'! *Added...
  9. Vermil

    ROM Hack Can't get NTR or other cheat utilities to work.

    This cheat txt file is for Radiant Historia (USA) that I got from the Github. Try to put it to; SD: /cheats/"here"
  10. Vermil

    ROM Hack [CTRPF] MH3U USA Free Cheats

  11. Vermil

    ROM Hack [Release] MHXX 1st & 2nd Monster Size Mod Plugin

    The CTRPF AR is the ActionReplay.7z from this Thread. And I also have a question for you; 1.)Do you already know how to use CTRPF AR and Luma Plugin Loader? 2.)Are you using CTRPF AR as your Only 1 plugin? 3.) What's your 3ds Firmware Version? And did you already installed the latest Boot9strap...
  12. Vermil

    ROM Hack [Release] MHXX 1st & 2nd Monster Size Mod Plugin

    My plugin is not a CTRPF Plugin so you can't use it with Luma Plugin Loader. And this doesn't work for Mode-3 O3ds. EDIT: That's why I also added a txt file on my .rar so you can use it with CTRPF AR and Luma Plugin Loader For O3ds, If the screen flashes orange, then your O3ds can't handle it...
  13. Vermil

    ROM Hack CTRPluginFramework - Blank Plugin - Now with Action Replay

    No, Just the plugin. Your txt(<Title ID of the Game>.txt) file should be in; SD: /cheats/"here"
  14. Vermil

    ROM Hack CTRPluginFramework - Blank Plugin - Now with Action Replay

    SD: /plugin/game/ActionReplay.plg You Have to Launch NTR 3.6 this way. (No need to enable Plugin Loader from Rosalina Menu).
  15. Vermil

    ROM Hack CTRPluginFramework - Blank Plugin - Now with Action Replay

    Try this; First of all your firmware must be 11.4 and higher and already installed the latest Boot9strap. Location of Luma Plugin Loader's boot.firm (the boot.7z file from OP post) goes to; SD: /boot.firm CTRPF Action Replay (the ActionReplay.7z from OP post) goes to; SD...
  16. Vermil

    I Forgot to follow you, it's been a long time.

    I Forgot to follow you, it's been a long time.
  17. Vermil

    ROM Hack [Database] CTRPF AR CHEAT CODES

    Additional Cheats; Thanks to @ymyn for his/her pointer codes that I borrowed. Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond The Myth 1.0 USA 00040000001C5100 [DISABLE PERMANENT NO ENCOUNTER] 001A370C EDD00AC0 001A3710 EEB80AC0 001A3714 EE308A80 D2000000 00000000 DD000000 00000008 001A370C E3A04000 001A3710...
  18. Vermil

    ROM Hack CTRPluginFramework - Blank Plugin - Now with Action Replay
  19. Vermil

    ROM Hack MHXX NTR cheat plugin

    Yes it will save the settings as long as you have the mhxxcheat.cfg file from <Title ID> Folder.
  20. Vermil

    ROM Hack [Release] MHXX 1st & 2nd Monster Size Mod Plugin

    You mean the plugin from here?: Just Download the attached file then extract it and paste the plugin like this; SD: plugin/0004000000197100/Monster_Hunter_XX_Double_Cross_NEET_EX.plg Delete the...
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