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  1. cateater

    Gaming Homebrew game I need help with ErrDisp

    yoooooooo the same thing happens to me when i try to update the 3ds format it launch homebrew launcher or access the e shop channel
  2. cateater

    Rock Band 2 DLC woes...

    you cannot use a bigger sd card you can for rb3 but not for rb2 you need a 2gb sd card this applies with gh world tour too
  3. cateater

    Hacking Rockband 3 DLC SD card issue

    you can go into the eshop rn and it'll make the necessary shop files
  4. cateater

    Rockband 3 sd card woes.

  5. cateater

    Rock Band 2 and 3 not working with SD card

    creating a new shop.log doesnt work i tried it that shit didnt work until i used someone elses shop.log which was 1kb then it worked now i use emunand rb2 dlc doesnt work at all unless you use any sd cards under 2gb anything past 2gb will not work
  6. cateater

    Rock Band 2 DLC woes...

    you need a 2gb sd card
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    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Woke Pokémon 2025 Pikachu can fall in love with a male Pikachu if he wants