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  1. NinteBoy

    Hacking TroyTheZombie's Animated Channel Wads

    Hey Troy. I love your forwarders! I've been using them for quite a while now but I had a question. When I tried downloading your Sega Genesis channel your Mediafire account did not work. Neither did any of your other Mediafire links. Could you fix them when you can? Thanks!
  2. NinteBoy

    Hi GBAtemp...ers?

  3. NinteBoy

    Hi GBAtemp...ers?

    Ok let me change that to tempers. BTW nice L avatar.
  4. NinteBoy

    Hacking wii serial number ?

    Actually if you still have the box for your wii the code is on it. I hope your talking about the serial number im talking about.
  5. NinteBoy

    Hi GBAtemp...ers?

    Hi tempers im NinteBoy! Ive always browsed the forums but I never had an account so I never posted. Now that I do I can finally post! So start sending in the welcomes!
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