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  1. Z

    Hacking How do you burn WII Games?

    Try using DVD minur R's because +R's are usually read worse. Use the slowest write speed possible and if that doesn't help change the manufacturer. For example Gamecube could read the best with Ritek G4 or something else from Ritek dunno exactly.
  2. Z

    Hacking Anyone plan to sell Wiinja clones?

    The Wiinja is a total ripoff. The code could've been done by any rookie programmer who has knowledge with PICs after watching the hacking conference. This chip is, if you not only pay for material but for the idea, not even worth a quarter of it's price
  3. Z

    Hacking M3 Simply... the best?

    I use a SanDisk brand Card. And the problem with the lags in Games like Tony Hawk is wide-spread. Just take a look in the M3 section.
  4. Z

    Hacking M3 Simply... the best?

    I use an M3 and I can't recommend it. It lags like hell in many games.
  5. Z

    Hacking M3 Simply Review

    get a memory expansion cart. No serious the DS needs it, comes with the original copy of the game
  6. Z

    Hacking Castlevania PoR randomly freezes on DS Simply

    Ok I know not all cards can work (flawless) but that's a bit disappointing. I already thought about returning my M3 and buying a Supercard
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