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  1. I

    Homebrew Play GC disk from HBC?

    I wish I could downvote you for how useless that post was, Fishman. EDIT: Sorry, I'm not in a good mood. I apologize.
  2. I

    Homebrew Play GC disk from HBC?

    tinyload doesn't work. I assume it would for Wii discs, though. geckoOS will work--but if there exists something that's a one click from the hbc, that'd be awesomer.
  3. I

    Homebrew Play GC disk from HBC?

    So we have a hacked wii that autoboots into HBC through Priiloader, and we basically only do two things 1) Play SSBM on a retail disk 2) Use Configurable USB Loader And to play SSBM, we need to get out of the system menu, connect a wiimote, go to the disc channel, and then run. What I want to...
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    Sonic CD coming to XBLA/PSN 14th Dec

    So when I found out about this, it said two things 1. Sega is trying to probe their customers to see what type of sonic game they should release next 2. Sega is trying to recover from Sonic Generations not being the hit (i think it ought to be) Does anyone know which if either is right (with...
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    Gaming Star Fox 64 3D Discussion

    My synopsis: Its the same great game from my childhood, with increase detail, less anti-aliasing (everything while very detailed is also very "hard", I'd say) The voiceacting is new (which is something I personally don't like. Playing it as a kid, I could recite every single radiocall, and now...
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    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    as opposed to recent trends, this doesn't seem like something I want to preorder.
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    Hacking Supercard DStwo plug-ins

    i admit. I am a little bit sad that the OP has been blank for about a month.
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    Hacking CycloDS iEvolution or SuperCard DSTWO ?

    READ THIS: So i recently just bought an iEvo. I own a DS Phat and a 3DS. Hoping to use it to play DS roms on my 3DS. Unfortunately, the newest 3DS System update makes the iEVO not work (unless it is in DSi Mode). You can only change it to DSi Mode using a DSi. Oh wait, now it doesn't work on...
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    Gaming Bad bug in LoZ3D

    SO I've played through the regular adventure, and I was playing through the master quest. I'm in dogono's cavern, in the room above the bombed staircase that has 3 dogono's. As the last one dies, I begin to climb the ladder in the middle of the room. Then the cutscene showing a big treasure...
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    Gaming Wii U Will Have Lots Of Extremely Strong First Party Software

    Agreed. A new F-Zero game is definitely due. GX has to be my favorite racing game (up there with Podracer).
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    3DS System Version 2.1.0-3E Released!

    Well this sucks, I bought an iEvo for my 3DS, am still waiting for it in the mail, and now it won't work when I get it? (insert expletive to show disappointment... The more offensive, the better)
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    ROM Hack Project: Isaac

    I fully endorse this and I approve the shit out of this nifty application.
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    ROM Hack How were the DS exploits found?

    So I may be. However, being slightly specific to asking to using DS examples when making the tut/explaining. EDIT: Poryhack, that sounds like a good idea, I may go about "asking the hackmii/twiizers circles" also, didn't think I would be asking about flashcart trade circles. If it really were...
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    ROM Hack How were the DS exploits found?

    So I remember joining the DS scene back in the days when we would flash our fat DS's with firmware, using a PassMe card and a slot-2 device. Nowadays, people just plug'n'play their flashcarts. My question is: How did they figure this stuff out? If anyone has any links/stories about back in the...
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    It's official: Sonic Generations coming to the 3DS

    After playing sonic Colors, I'm totally looking forward to this... If the streetpass functionality is akin to Chaos from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, then this game is likely to consume my life all over again.
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    Hacking Used ModMii; USB hard drive no longer detected (by forwarder?)

    Two things: 1. Its an external drive. The enclosure may be dying. Pick up a new one for $20 and then reformat the drive (the old enclosure has probably introduced errors which will get worse over time) 2. Its an IDE drive, it seems. Therefore, it's probably old. A bit more expensive to...
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    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D "Features" Video

    How dare they change my game! (not interested in seeing navi notifications pop up more)
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    So 20 hours for a game is short now...?

    20 hours is a bit much for a game I played before... I prefer a game that I've played before to take me ~15 hours to beat (somewhere near 90+%). But for games that I haven't played before, I like it when they're about 40-50hrs. But then again, I think I played Luigi's Mansion for the first time...
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    Comment by 'imgod22222' in 'So 20 hours for a game is short now...?'

    20 hours is a bit much for a game I played before... I prefer a game that I've played before to take me ~15 hours to beat (somewhere near 90+%). But for games that I haven't played before, I like it when they're about 40-50hrs. But then again, I think I played Luigi's Mansion for the first time...
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    Gaming Does the (U) 3DS firmware block any flashcarts?

    There's been news about flashcarts working with the 3DS for awhile now, but the U firmware seems to be different from the J firmware (as the U crashes more often) if anyone knows if flashcarts work on the U 3DS, please tell. Thanks.
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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Ye next Gen probably won't even require it
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    8 VMs and 2 LXC containers and it's not even using 110GB on that server
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Been wanting to turn my old laptop into a home server but lazy
  • Minox @ Minox:
    @Sicklyboy I'd love to have that so that I could store all my simulations in full
  • Minox @ Minox:
    Now I have to just throw results away lol
  • Minox @ Minox:
    I plan to turn my old desktop PC into one
  • Minox @ Minox:
    It's not very fast though
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    What kind of simulations you doing, if you don't mind me asking?
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @Sicklyboy Inspired by your comment made OVER an hour ago, I made this:

  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    took me that long because I didn't know what I was doing XD
  • Minox @ Minox:
    Oh wow that is some nostalgia
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @Minox I still have the .pdn file for it
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    so glad I made it because moments after started to get angry that there were over 5 big layers
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    mostly because I have 8 gigs of ram... :mellow:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Who is that guy, Mr Rogers?
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    @Kirbydogs, lmaooo love it!!
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    welp night people things
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    I ran out of words to describe us members
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    night people "I ran out of words to describe us members" the human species
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    We prefer to be called uneducated morons
  • kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042:
    I like my eyes
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    *shows a random outline of some star* Who's that pedophile!!!!
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Diddy Juan kidnappedMe
  • Veho @ Veho:
    P. Diddly.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    "You have to be this small to ride"
    Veho @ Veho: "You have to be this small to ride"