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  1. AceWantstoDraw

    How do i make custome images and video files? Screen skarper (retrobat)

    Hello! How can I create my own custom images like this for my retrobat using screen skarper?
  2. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew [NDS] Yet Another nds-bootstrap Forwarder: more than 40 forwarders are now possible

    Hello, i'm trying to do the setup and im stuck on 1. Open a terminal or command prompt and cd inside the generator folder 1. Run `generator <path to ROM on your SD card>` - Make sure to replace `<path to ROM on your SD card>` with the full path to your ROM how do i proceed?
  3. AceWantstoDraw

    Hacking VitaCheat/FinalCheat Database

    Some cheats dont work mostly the inf99 and the inf999.999 cheats. As we as the infhp and maxhp i still die on the game... i run soul sacrifice delta 1.30 version with vitacheats vers35 z05. What can i do to make the cheats active like in the video?
  4. AceWantstoDraw

    Hacking VitaCheat/FinalCheat Database

    Hello! I saw your video on ys origins cheats but even know I followed your instructions the cheats don't work! Can you help me?
  5. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Do you have a guide how to do it?
  6. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Let me check auto Yep it's 32mb so out of ideas?
  7. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Alright, I'm uploading it on YouTube give me a minute auto
  8. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Οκ wait auto auto Also those roms work perfectly in the emulator but won't load on twilight
  9. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Hello, so, what should I do? I have the video but when I try to upload it it's too large
  10. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    I can try but when I tried to upload a video earlier it said file to large auto Should I message you in messenger or email you?
  11. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Sandisk ultra micro sd HC I 32 gb And it has a 10 on a small circle auto Ok I checked it they say .nds in the end so that makes them roms right? auto Before the update version sonic rush was working fine but after the update idk what happened
  12. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    File type I think it's . Nds?
  13. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Yep they run fine only in the twilight menu the don't run auto I use and sd card of 32 gb
  14. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Ok the games work again let me just put a new one to see if it fixed the white screen Also auto The new ones I put still do the same thing, save file created and a white screen
  15. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Alright I'll do it now and let's you know auto Ok, it shows me offset(h) And underneath 00000000
  16. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Alright and that will also fix the white scene problem?
  17. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Ok so I download this and I put 20000 and that will solve my problem?
  18. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Where can I find this HxD?
  19. AceWantstoDraw

    Homebrew TWiLight Menu++ White screen on ds games

    Message me when you have time
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