Hello guys im new in wii u Jailbreak. anyone have JGecko code for splatoon please? i try to run Jgecko and connect my wii u ip address but no code list apear. i hope anyone can help me thanks
So how to open the ShiverBot? I al
Can you help me How to open ShiverBot in PC? Is there application i need to dowload to open it? I already install the net firmware.
Hello i download the ShiverBot and extract on my computer but there is no ShiverBot exe to open the application.. need help please i wanna try this on my offline switch
Hello guys im using this in offline mode. Want to request a cheat for this build version hope someone can help me thanks.
SPLATOON 2 ver.5.5.0
Program ID: 0100F8F0000A2000
Build ID: 1729DD426870976B
01# Inf Paint
02# Moonjump
03# Max money
04# Max red balls
05# Max life
I have found so many games off gamepass I like that I would have never known I'd like if it had not been for gamepass. But yea to each they own, but I think its great.
My wifey just booked a last minute round trip flight Ohio to California, to visit/ surprise her fam for xmas, freaking $750 1person. BS they jack up the prices near holidays. I was gonna go also, but screw that, ill stay home n save my $750.