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  1. B

    Hacking M3 Real skin problem.....

    I upgraded to the new V3.0 released yesterday and still have the same issue, can't make a top_desktop work without messing up the lower screen making it unusable..
  2. B

    Hacking M3 Real skin problem.....

    Hi, I'm having the same issue with my new M3 DS real. I'm still leaning my way around, but yes I am unable to create a desktop as well. I made mine an 8bit bmp, 256 x 192 as instructed in the documentation. When i try to use it for the top_desktop, the bottom screen is full of wavy lines and is...
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    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: Well at least you can wash your hands with the soap after? Lol +1