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  1. E

    Hacking EZ flash omega not working

    The one I had was an ags-001, but it was modded with backlit screen and has games already built in, when I try to boot with the ezflash it just gets stuck at the ezflash screen and it cant update, etc
  2. E

    Hacking EZ flash omega not working

    Um, i dont have qq :/
  3. E

    Hacking EZ flash omega not working

    Could it possible not work because my gba sp was modded when I had it, it had lots of games build it
  4. E

    Hacking EZ flash omega not working

    I bought it from taobao EDIT: It was pretty much new, it was still in the box sealed
  5. E

    Hacking EZ flash omega not working

    I got a new ezflash omega and put it into my gba sp, and waited for 5+ hours and nothing booted or anything, so I turned it off and entered safe mode So I tried to update, it says bad nor id. I tested Psram, it says read S71 ID ERROR!!!! and read S98 ERROR!!!! Then I even tried the recovery...
  6. E

    Gaming Help with ez flash omega flashing

    So I have read that it is needed to flash a new system onto the a device (in my case, as gba sp). So I was wondering if after flashing, it would be possible to "unflash" it back to the old system to use original games
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