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  1. insertcoolusernamehere

    Homebrew RELEASE uLaunch Custom Themes

    A wii u-like theme would be cool! Is it easy to make ulauncher themes so i can make the wii u theme?
  2. insertcoolusernamehere

    Homebrew Homebrew app Make modded Switch menu only show 4 users in home menu

    is it possible to hide users in the switch home menu so that only 4 appear with a theme or something? certian themes for the switch like NES Jumping Mario SWITCH REMAKE and JAG Layout only work well with 4 users and i have 7! (for family, second savefiles and guests) btw sorry for bad english...
  3. insertcoolusernamehere

    Review Feedback New USB Loader GX Theme: Super WiiNES

    hello! is this cancelled? i hope this didn't get cancelled bc i really like the design! i would even download a unfinished version because i relly like this theme, even the name! :-D (btw i joined gbatemp just to say this, that's how much i like this hehe)
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