OK, I was able to figure it out. Thanks to both of you for your help.
I formatted the same 512MB SD I was using all along as FAT using Quick Format. I compared the original installation files to some new ones I made from BannerBomber site and HackMii site instructions. As it turns out...
Thanks for the reply!
Yeah, fresh as in tried another 512MB SD (non-SDHC) card I had lying around. Now, I KNOW the SD cards work because I am able to load data to them.
Some questions:
1. What do I need to do/get to re-install the Homebrew Channel on Wii 4.1U? Is there something out...
My Wii is at version 4.1U right now. (I did it by following these steps for BannerBomber/HackMii method (3.x to 4.1 method) from GBATemp ). (I started fresh from version 3.1)
I then installed a Homebrew app called USBLoader_GX. It installed OK.
USBLoader_GX came up fine, I was able to see the...