Hello I'm thinking about downgrading the firmware on my ps vita from 3.68 to 3.60 with modoru but I have one doubt. What will happen to the contents of my memory card? Will I have to backup my saves and install all the games again?
@JollyBaker Its awesome. Really fun and best graphics game on Xbox this year. It truly feels like you are Indy in a movie while playing. Def GOTY. 9.5/10
You ever try program like Gimp or paint.net to make your own character to add to Gdevelop. I have but its so time consuming to make many versions for animation.
Yea pixel is ok, but its a pixel (low bit rate) program, I made a character w walking, attacking, etc animations using paint/ adobe which looked great but took foreever. example: Walking used 8 dif pics each direction.