Take your Switch apart, print instructions with pictures and post a craigslist ad or ask a local shop that does soldering phone work. Take them only the motherboard. They don't need to know it's a Nintendo Switch and it's not their business what the point of the job is.
Better to pay a shop you...
It's already been found. You need to hold L+R+Start+Select at the same time while the Switch is on. It will restart and you will be on the title screen of recovery mode
The Switch uses MicroSD cards, what smaller cards would you use a MicroSD adapter? I was unaware they existed for the consumer.
At best we'll see support for USB C flash drives that allow extra MicroSD's at the bottom of the Switch. They'll add some bulk though
PSVita sent and received data while in Airplane mode, Switch can do the same. You need to delete all your wifi information and/or block all Nintendo's traffic from your router
I got banned and all I did was...
1. Install SX OS
2. Install backup of my Mario Kart 8 cart with legal keys
3. Play Fortnite online
4. Did touch it for a week
5. Try to run Fortnite and BANNED :glare:
I'd be inclined to help OP if they didn't blatantly lie. They didn't spend a second searching for an answer, because it's literally the first result when you google.