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  1. D

    Hacking Wii Firmware 4.0 Guide.

    sorry yeah it runs hbc backups from wii menu then vc/wiiware from sd card
  2. D

    Hacking Wii Firmware 4.0 Guide.

    ok i have just updated my brothers wii firmware 3.3E 1. installed twilight hack 2. installed home brew channel 3. installed cIOS36_rev8-Installer 4. used wad manager 1.3 to install backup launcher channel 5. ran the firmware 4.0 installer 6. ran new IOS61 And 60 shop Update patch my brothers...
  3. D

    Hacking Wii Firmware 4.0 Guide.

    kimikal27 i had softmii and no modchip and i did everything like Tube83 did i now have backup launcher channel working hbc working vc/wiiware loading from sd card (8gig sdhc card) wads installing with wad manger.
  4. D

    Hacking Wii Firmware 4.0 Guide.

    thats what i just did installed this and now have firmware 4.0E and i can still use everything i had minus i have lost preloader and disc channel loading of backups but can still use hbc and backup loader channel
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