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  1. julianmiguel1976

    Instinct NX V6 Flashing Purple Twice Then White multiple Times

    i'm almost sure that it is not an installation problem, it happen juste after a downgrade i think aboutto boot0boot1 change not supported or something like that
  2. julianmiguel1976

    Instinct NX V6 Flashing Purple Twice Then White multiple Times

    Same problem, did you find a solution ?
  3. julianmiguel1976

    Switch Black Screen, Instinct nx

    Hello I have exactly the same problem after downgrade from 19.0 to 18.1, now the switch never boot anymore, just a black screen, no way to get the Hack working so no way to boot hekate, The chip always blink 2 red, 2 purple stays at white for a while and black screen, i have try to remove the...
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    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @kijetesantakalu042, no, I made it way before you registered +1