After doing everything right including triple checking roms for being "clean" and following every RIDICULOUS step required to make the Omega reliable 3/4s of the time...and then finding a guide here that should be a redflag to ALL potential customers with a title that reads "fix it yourself...
@ghjfdtg X5 Mini goes for 179.00 and the DE is 89.99 US unless I want to chance Ebay, then new is slightly less. I don't care for purchasing any used flash cart for a GBA because whilst some are more trouble free than others...the GBA...
Well I believe I have to recant some things...
The power getting low and me not rotating batteries out may be more my fault or not doing so and getting corrupted saves is to some extent my fault. I have also noticed that when my saves appeared to be corrupted even with full power, I discovered...
That was my guess but I wanted to make sure there wasn't some sort of unknown variable that only applies to flash carts/EZ Flash. Thanks for answering me and being really responsive, I've seen you folks answer a lot.
Hello all;
I have an EZ Flash Omega and the SimpleLight kernel. In every manual and forum I've seen says "L+start to delete files, use at your own risk". I've filled the BACKUP file the SimpleLight kernel uses and would like to empty it. Why use at my own risk? Is it better to stick the SD card...
Interesting(ish) development; switched over to a custom kernel (solely for the backup save functionality) and thought why not throw an overkill micro SD at the Omega. I only use SanDisk when it can be helped because I've never had any problems personally with one. Pervious SD card was a SanDisk...
I guess I was hoping user error and/or Evdr fans were throwing reviews off. That drastic price difference and my Junior being 100% trouble free for over a year made it too tempting to not try.
Got a corrupted save even with fully charged batteries so this whole post was a waste.
Switching to the SimpleLight cfw. Trying that for for now. So far so good but give it some time for a fail I guess. If it does, the Omega DE is too close in price for what an EverDrive X5 goes for. I'm told I...
Hello all! I'm new so if this is covered or I've violated any rules, I apologize. So I just got an Omega; behind the times but wanted to test the water before jumping into the DE model at the higher price. So I followed every step provided by EZ Flash and even looked at boards where people had...
D.I. was monotone. It had no humor, no real feeling to it, it was just this buildup to the end and nobody cared because the characters were dry and it just SUCKED.
i have an odd question for the UK members (bit political but informative) how is Homosexuality precieved across the pond? I mean is it as bad here with laws being passed etc etc?
i have an odd question for the UK members (bit political but informative) how is Homosexuality...