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    DS #4506: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (USA)

    Yeap I dont using YSMenu and I have last version of official firmware(1.18).
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    DS #4506: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (USA)

    It works with no freezes on original R4 1.18 firmware. On no$GBA you need to change save option to 512kb but you cant control train either.
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    Wii #1701 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Reflex Edition (Europe) Not mine video but downloaded from u-tube. Activision will not delate it (i hope).
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    Wii #1701 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Reflex Edition (Europe)

    The video is no longer available Activison block it :/
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    Wii #1701 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Reflex Edition (Europe)

    Can someone show some footage from MW Wii? Is it real that game graphics suck so hard that Activison is ashamed showing videos and screens?
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    Homebrew Mplayer-CE

    I got problem :/ I have chiped Wii with wiikey and 3.2 E firmware. HC and aplications worked fine (Mplayer as well) until I install new bootmii(newest hackmii+dvdx+HC) and cIOS36 rev10 (for WiiFlow). Now Mplayer not booting but bootmii do!WTF? I tried to delate bootmii form SD or put the plain...
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    DS #3541: PokÃmon Platinum (USA)

    wow thats great! Thanks!
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    DS #3541: PokÃmon Platinum (USA) it working on r4?
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    Hacking l'IOS55-64-v4633.wad

    I have a question. When I install this IOS55-64-v4633 did I still have 3.2 firmware? Trucha and Freeloader will works? Is it regionfree?I grab it from chinese site. Thanks
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    Wii #1165 - Tenchu Shadow Assassin (USA)

    Tested on 3.2E wiikey 1.9s brickblocker & regionfree and it works via disc channel. About game: +graphics +music and sounds +gameplay and control (aiming by analog stick isnt bad at all!-its stealth game not FPS) -terrible voice of tutorial guy -same models of enemies on each level...
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    Wii #XXXX - Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekidou (Japan) It looks like really nice game with many minigames -too bad I cant understand anything
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    Wii #0968 - Wii Music (Europe)

    Maybe is a bad media. I'll try burn again. I got 3.2E firmware(Wiikey1.9s) and dont want 3.3E.
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    Wii #0968 - Wii Music (Europe)

    I got scrubbed version. After brickblocked disc cannot be recognize. Does anybody have same problem?
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    Hacking VC Region Free Converter freethewads

    Got same problem on my PAL Wii. Cant install :/
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    Gaming Truncha Signer and Freeloader No More :(

    I had problems with my internet connection. After I update firmware of my router. My Wii was back again connected. Asked me about update-sure why not? I allways checking before info about update but not this time. After update my Wii was unable to turn OFF(needed to plug out). Leter on I...
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    Hacking Error #001, Brawl, huh?

    For All who have "green text" error before menu screen. Go to Wii options and turn off Burn-In reduction. It works! I wasted 3 days (or more) to go into menu screen
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    Hacking Error #001, Brawl, huh?

    Today I bought new burner 212bk couse my LiteOn have 4 years old. First copy no BrickBlocker on rubbish Platinum for 15% trick Second copy with BB+RegionFrii on Verbatim DVD+R DL (India) Both with 2.4 speed (Pioneer 212bk) After succesful trick I put BBlocker version. Later on save procedure I...
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    Wii #0529 - Dairantou Smash Brothers X (Japan)

    Yes You need to wait until new release with DL support. Or download SL version to make 15% trick and later just swap in menu SL(with BB) to DL(no BB). Or You want a semibrick
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    Wii #0529 - Dairantou Smash Brothers X (Japan)

    I knew it will be released today (somehow). Specialy for that I bought DL Verbatim disc. Now just waiting for Wiikey team.
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