I got problem :/
I have chiped Wii with wiikey and 3.2 E firmware.
HC and aplications worked fine (Mplayer as well) until I install new bootmii(newest hackmii+dvdx+HC) and cIOS36 rev10 (for WiiFlow).
Now Mplayer not booting but bootmii do!WTF?
I tried to delate bootmii form SD or put the plain...
I have a question.
When I install this IOS55-64-v4633 did I still have 3.2 firmware?
Trucha and Freeloader will works?
Is it regionfree?I grab it from chinese site.
Tested on 3.2E wiikey 1.9s brickblocker & regionfree and it works via disc channel.
About game:
+music and sounds
+gameplay and control (aiming by analog stick isnt bad at all!-its stealth game not FPS)
-terrible voice of tutorial guy
-same models of enemies on each level...
I had problems with my internet connection. After I update firmware of my router.
My Wii was back again connected. Asked me about update-sure why not?
I allways checking before info about update but not this time.
After update my Wii was unable to turn OFF(needed to plug out).
Leter on I...
For All who have "green text" error before menu screen.
Go to Wii options and turn off Burn-In reduction.
It works! I wasted 3 days (or more) to go into menu screen
Today I bought new burner 212bk couse my LiteOn have 4 years old.
First copy no BrickBlocker on rubbish Platinum for 15% trick
Second copy with BB+RegionFrii on Verbatim DVD+R DL (India)
Both with 2.4 speed
(Pioneer 212bk)
After succesful trick I put BBlocker version.
Later on save procedure I...
Yes You need to wait until new release with DL support.
Or download SL version to make 15% trick and later just swap in menu SL(with BB) to DL(no BB).
Or You want a semibrick
D.I. was monotone. It had no humor, no real feeling to it, it was just this buildup to the end and nobody cared because the characters were dry and it just SUCKED.