VC injects.
Folders and badges count against that limit, too.
I'm at ~150 with almost no VC injects (but a bad "install anything that looks cool" habit...)
Any estimates on how long it will take to get Moonshell working? That's the only thing my 3DS is missing: A working video player without any odd restrictions or issues.
DPG format isn't a problem; all my videos have already been converted.
From what I've read, TWL_FIRM has whole-NAND access because that's how the DSi operated, and TWL_FIRM is basically a clone of a good portion of the DSi's OS.
I may be wrong, though.
That guide was basically me piecing together everything that was explained in this thread, and a few resources from the linked threads. It's just all in one place, with a full explanation.
PlaiSysUpdater is actually just SafeSysUpdater set up to work with 9.2 and 2.1 only. It's easier to use for the guide. I don't know what you should do, sorry.
If you installed A9LH before the major guide update to use v2, you installed screen-init, as that was the only option given.
I'm not sure why Plailect is giving us the choice now, it's only going to confuse people.
You installed the "no screen init" version. As BootAnim9 doesn't do screen init itself, the screens stay off. (I think that the buttons don't work, either. At least, I couldn't make it respond.)
Reinstall A9LH (Guide section 1), but install the screen-init version this time. It's found in...
D.I. was monotone. It had no humor, no real feeling to it, it was just this buildup to the end and nobody cared because the characters were dry and it just SUCKED.