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  1. Velvis70

    How to install a Wii U game?

    Thank you! This worked!
  2. Velvis70

    How to install a Wii U game?

    I have a modded Wii U that I set up a few years back so it's all a little fuzzy on steps and specifics. I have an SD card and a USB hard drive. I am trying to add a Wii U game (Resident Evil) and its 13gbs so it won't fit on a FAT32 SD card. I have it in WUX format, WUD format , and in a folder...
  3. Velvis70

    Swap folder letter to an icon?

    How do you attach them?
  4. Velvis70

    ROM Hack [Release] PS1 Forwarder Creator

    Does this create cia's that perform better than the ones created by NSUI 29?
  5. Velvis70

    WiiU updated nothing works

    Does this mean it's installed to the internal memory?
  6. Velvis70

    WiiU updated nothing works

    I have no idea if it's on internal storage. Why does it seem like it isn't already installed based on the screenshot?
  7. Velvis70

    WiiU updated nothing works

    When I run cbhc it pops up the following attachment. I'm afraid to continue. I just want to make haxchi autoboot since it stopped after the last update.
  8. Velvis70

    WiiU updated nothing works

    Is it possible to reenable autobooting of Haxchi and skip Tiramisu? If so how do I reenable autobooting of Haxchi?
  9. Velvis70

    WiiU updated nothing works

    It used to autoboot until about a week ago when I turned it on for the first time in ages and it updated. After the update I have to manually run haxchi before I can start any games.
  10. Velvis70

    WiiU updated nothing works

    How can I be sure which cfw I am currently using? I definitely have haxchi as I have to manually run it since I accidentally upgraded, but I also see CBHC in the homebrew launcher and the DO NOT TOUCH icon in the Wii U menu. It's been so long since I touched the Wii U Im very rusty on it all.
  11. Velvis70

    WiiU updated nothing works

    Awesome. Thank you. Saved the day! When I update to Tiramisu and aroma do I need to remove haxchi first?
  12. Velvis70

    WiiU updated nothing works

  13. Velvis70

    WiiU updated nothing works

    Dusted off the WiiU for Thanksgiving and my daughter did the update and now none of the installed eshop games or installed games on the hard drive will start. Is there a guide to get it going again? (it's been a while since I've used or hacked around with the Wii U)
  14. Velvis70

    Homebrew RELEASE PPSSPP Switch Standalone Beta

    Does ppsspp for the switch support on screen virtual buttons? I have it enabled in the settings but the layout never shows up.
  15. Velvis70

    Homebrew CaVE Database Manager - A SNES, NES, N64, Genesis Switch Online modding App

    If I update the NSO to the latest release will I need to repatch in order for additional games to be played?
  16. Velvis70

    Is there a program to inject Atari 2600 titles?

    Is there a program to inject Atari 2600 titles?
  17. Velvis70

    Homebrew RELEASE PPSSPP Switch Standalone Beta

    The exit button doesnt work for Pinball Fantasies. Nothing happens. Other games it works fine. Any ideas?
  18. Velvis70

    Hacking is a good idea to active auto rcm ?

    What are the drawbacks of using autorcm?
  19. Velvis70

    Previously hacked wii, no longer have USB hard drive, can't sync wiimotes

    I have an old wii that had a USB hard drive connected. The hard drive failed and I moved on to the Wii I, so it's been some time since I fooled with it. When I start it up it gives a USB device not initialized switching to channel list mode and it has an OK button. No wiimotes are synced to...
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Help Users
  • GreenBanana @ GreenBanana:
    Bananas or x-rays?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @GreenBanana, the later
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You can get cancer by going outside
  • GreenBanana @ GreenBanana:
    I should go outside more often then.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Trying to get that disability check I see
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @GreenBanana, don't die
  • GreenBanana @ GreenBanana:
    Nah I just wanna die.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Sneezing wakes me up
  • GreenBanana @ GreenBanana:
    Is that when you sneeze or when people sneeze in your vicinity?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    When they sneeze in my face it's like hawk Tuah 2.0
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @GreenBanana, I don't wanna sound like a hypocrite but pls dont
  • GreenBanana @ GreenBanana:
    Okay, I'll try not to sneeze.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Get a life insurance policy if expecting to die
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    If 100% guaranteed Rob a bank first
  • GreenBanana @ GreenBanana:
    I'd have to rob it with a paper bag and my finger.
  • GreenBanana @ GreenBanana:
    But I suppose it's all a matter of charisma, isn't it?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Nah just whip out your banana and say this is a robbery
  • GreenBanana @ GreenBanana:
    The judge says I can't do that no more.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Whoever has the longer banana can defeat you
  • GreenBanana @ GreenBanana:
    That is the rule.
  • kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042:
    Sneak this into the holiday playlist for me please:
  • JollyBaker @ JollyBaker:
    Speaking of "whipping out your banana" during a robbery, if you're a minor and rob a bank naked, technically the camera footage is considered CP and legally can't be viewed. Don't misuse this information please please please I don't wanna get in legal trouble.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Pepperidge farms remembers
  • GreenBanana @ GreenBanana:
    And Baskin Robbins don't play.
    GreenBanana @ GreenBanana: And Baskin Robbins don't play. +1