Check the sensor bar.
That thing is notorious for unsyncing the remote.
Also the batteries.
And get a 3rd patty remote, you might not like em but this is a good way to check stuff. Wii mote Motion and Motion + don't work on HB apps
Also check the back of that sensor bar, mine has come unloose...
To play GC games just buy one of those classic controllers. They hook up to the back of the Wii motion +
Another thing
You have a Wii motion +
You need an 3rd party remote ( off brand remote) otherwise you can't run anything.
These remotes eat the living cells out of batteries no matter the...
This was NTSU
and this one game will not work
I have gotten 3 others to work just fine
Super Mario Sunshine
Harvest Moon Magical Melody
Pokemon XD
I think this file (iso) is the same exact file on many website. That just happens to not work
:-? I just need to find one that works.
I can...
No matter where I get this game I get a black screen. I have had this game before and it worked, but it won't now.
GC games won't work in USB loader :-/
TY( ^^)/
I just have to convert them, there might be some floating around here. Dolphin might know
"Harvest Moon: Magical Melody AR Cheats arent working"
I can confirm that two of these are not working...
Such high powered controlled oh wow.I think they won't work because they are well OP over powered.
I am using Nintedont, and
You have to get a off brand controller (3rd party) to work with pretty much of the Homebrew Apps. This might not be true for Nintedont , but I would just get one...
Yea my dude my suggestion is get an SD card. SD card (not micro SD card those are for Ds) I do not know how this is going to work.
Also USB :-? ( Maybe)
EXHD those little thin or small ones, seams like they would overheat, but whatever fits your budgets and works.
It would be more efficient to...
You sure about that
Bricked is a broken FOREVER that cant be fixed. You HAVE to replace your unit. You BROKE the firmware, and that is hardcore set in the unit
Corrupted files can just be removed.
Just check the SD, EXHD
-Check for bricking turn on the unit (Wii)
it should just hum or you screen...
I put (my) iso go on the
Sd (not micro) card or EXHD ( not flash drive)
Mine are on an EXHD
(Drive Name) > gave>(game name) >game(iso)
JIC for you knowledge for bam cranium
I would use the External Hard Drive, the bigger one and not those smaller ones. Of it is a small on I woy not get those...
I am looking for the last Nook upgrade, I used *quick nook upgrade* but I can't get the last one.
If anyone knows a code that would be nice. Or the pattern
This code does not work
Tons Of Furniture Purchasable
All Items Purchasable (Catalog) [Ralf]
One of these makes the game resets and the...
I tried to convert a code by a user named I think his name his Ralf. I did one and it works fine.
The walk & run faster, so great I have to disbable it kind of great
All Items Purchasable (Catalog)
Most likely you might be missing a file.
(Maybe) I am on the GC side and I have to fix it. Do you have any GC games . That just means I can't any GameCube on USB loader but Wii games & the games that I ripped.
I can't remember what file I am missing though.
If you try to play a game and it goes...
Does anybody know why the gecko codes will not work. And I mean like a bunch of them I have been to three sites including this one and none of them work for this game only. Even my GC codes codes work :-?
Was there an an Animal Croosing City Folk Villiger Editor to edit
I have ANSE an the editor by ACToolkit i though that there was one.
♥FIY JIC WTIA For your bam craniums ❤
I have modded for AC
-Found it a different one
No if you are talking about me.
I have a code that is not in the DB. I would never do such a thing in any PK game
I have PKBW and physical. I only actually beat one PK game
I do not believe in cheating *ONLINE* that is going to far IMHO that is just me though. :-/
Did this receive and update. I am not going to loose my cheats and cry for a whole 1y and a half like a dummy. This is the only mod that did no get update in Uniupdate
Speaking of money, I have a builder that owes me money and not paying, trying to hide from me, so I found his wife's car and put a lien on it last week, today got a check in the mail from him, lol.