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  1. K

    Hacking HBC on Wii 4.0

    Hi. Someone tryed this.!!
  2. K

    Hacking Wii Firmware 4.0 Guide.

    New and totally clean Wii V4.0e and a newbie. I have been reading many treats the last few days about HBC, Wad, OIS ect. How do i downgrate top 3.2, 3.3, og 3.4e I have the original Zelda Twiligt game. Can i only downgrate, with the Homebrew installed.! Don´t know how to install Wad, Homebrew...
  3. K

    Hacking Wii system 4.0?

    How to use the new IOSDowngrader, regards a newbie.!
  4. K

    Hacking Wii system 4.0?

    Hi folks Can someone please explain to me, how to downgrate from 4.0e, i am a newbie, have cIOSDowngrader v1.0 - 1.2 Is it like this, make a folder on your SD cart, called "apps" in that folder make a new folder called "1. cIOSDowngrader_v1.2" and put it in your wii..!!
  5. K

    Hacking How To Hack Wii Console For Dummies /Easy Installer

    I have a brand new wii, with v4.0e (Europe), how do i downgrate to v3.2e, and where to find the software/right version.! No matter what i put on my SD cart, the boxes i wii/config is empty.! thanks for the PM Big Moe
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