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  1. H

    Hacking Where to get a firmware 4.5 or below 3DS XL?

    Check the back of the box; if it says ``© 2012'' then it must have 4.5 or below, but if it says ``© 2013'', then it may or may not have 4.5.
  2. H

    Hacking 3ds sdk keys

    I checked on IRC, and it seems like these are useless for retail 3DS consoles; they're only good for dev units. Of course, usefulness is subjective though. md5sum 2b112be54ee825031875f91789c64294 Mirror at *removed* File tree: ~/temp/keys:$ find . . ./CIA ./CIA/xs_dpki_eccPubKey.bin...
  3. H

    Hacking Partial upgrades, Gateway, and region unlocking

    In the realm of 3DS hacking, I guess you could call me a conservative. I have a Japanese 3DS purchased on launch day that's still on firmware 1.0.0-0. Not being Japanese myself, I've been patiently waiting for a region unlock, rejecting firmware updates, and playing Super Street Fighter IV: 3D...
  4. H

    Hacking What firmware are you on?

    I can't believe I'm the only person still on 1.0.0. Yes, the original Japanese 3DS, purchased on launch day, not updated once since. I really hope that Gateway will support region-unlocking. Either that, or I need to learn Japanese.
  5. H

    Hacking 3DS decapping fundraising topic.

    Now that the final $300 has been donated, I think we can all agree that we should just wait until it goes through, and then wait a little more for an official response. Please don't chargeback until a second official response is heard; if people do that before it goes through we'll have to...
  6. H

    Hacking 3DS decapping fundraising topic.

    Well, I messaged Jl12 on Facebook about this on Thursday, but he hasn't responded yet. I'm not really sure what the policies on this board are about revealing information, or whether it would generally be considered ethical in this case. What do you guys think would be the best course of...
  7. H

    Homebrew PadSend for DS/Wii (PC Application)

    Agreed; a GNU/Linux client would be much appreciated (if you post the source code, maybe somebody else can do it for you).
  8. H

    Hacking Updating Original Japanese 3DS

    OK, you guys are really not understanding me here and as of yet, not one of you has answered even one of my updated questions. Obviously, I know that there is not currently a region unlock for any 3DS. I never assumed nor implied such a thing. To think in terms of "will an unlock be made for...
  9. H

    Hacking Updating Original Japanese 3DS

    But doesn't this mean that it would be more prone to vulnerabilities, and thus more prone to exploits? I think I may need to update my question a bit, so I will here: Assuming the console is a completely useless brick to me without a region unlock, should I update? In other words, will updating...
  10. H

    Hacking Updating Original Japanese 3DS

    So I own an original Japanese language 3DS that hasn't been updated (or pretty much touched at all) since production. I don't know an ounce of Japanese, so I've been using this nifty smartphone app to translate the menus. Obviously, a region unlock would be desirable for me. The firmware version...
  11. H

    Hardware 3DS DOES have a Pressure Sensitive Screen

    I'm not saying the 3DS doesn't have a pressure sensitive screen, but just because the piano plays louder when you tap harder doesn't necessarily prove it. The iPad, which has been proven not to have a pressure sensitive screen, still can sense whether you play piano keys in GarageBand harder or...
  12. H

    Hacking NDS Adaptor PLUS + 3DS Games

    Made quite a few modifications to the Ridge Racer 3D save for you to test. You can download them here: Here's a description of the filenames and what has changed: Ridge Racer 3D Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq.sav - Encrypted...
  13. H

    Hacking NDS Adaptor PLUS + 3DS Games

    To see if it's just a problem with the NDS Adaptor PLUS not being able to write to the card, try making a backup, changing it to have something weird in it (Or filling it all with FFs), writing it to the card, and then, without touching the 3DS, making a backup from that card again. If you're...
  14. H

    Hacking Crediar just Released 3DSaveTool!

    Thanks, but are there any other gadgets that do the same thing? More particularly, are any compatible with Linux? I'll buy that one if there aren't any alternatives, but it seems odd to me that it's the only tool I can find. Did some searching on my phone but couldn't find anything. EDIT: I see...
  15. H

    Hacking For people scared of updating above 1.0

    Anything that can be downloaded onto a 3DS can be downloaded onto a computer (someone already analysed the update process), so then it's simply a matter of reuploading an old update and having your router serve that update when the 3DS asks for it instead of the most current one. It would be...
  16. H

    Hacking 3DS update process analyzed

    Yup. The website is owned by Tucows, a software/shareware distribution site. Seems like Nintendo has used the same company to distribute Wii and possibly other DS files as well.
  17. H

    Hacking For people scared of updating above 1.0

    That point is pretty moot, as (unless Nintendo is doing some wacky thing with blobs like iOS) you should always be able to upgrade to any firmware higher than yours, whether it be 1.1 or 1.1.1 or [insert number over 9000]. They're all signed, so all you would have to do is get it from someone...
  18. H

    Hacking Port Sniffing the 3DS (I have one)

    Thanks a lot, you rock. I learned it as port sniffing, and the term sounds funnier than packet capturing, so I think I'll keep calling it that XD. Google Translate doesn't seem to very helpful with these types of things... For example, here's a portion of the manual, very roughly translated by...
  19. H

    Hacking The 3DS needs CUSTOM FIRMWARE!

    Heheh, if only it were that easy The 3DS would only accept updates signed with a key. We don't have this key, but Nintendo does, therefore we can't do much as far as editing firmwares go. The PSP/PS3 are interesting exeptions - Developers were able to find the key due to an error in the...
  20. H

    Hacking The 3DS needs CUSTOM FIRMWARE!

    That's not at all the case. Anything that can be downloaded to a 3DS (eg, firmware updates) can be downloaded to a PC, and anything uploaded to a 3DS (eg, firmware updates) can be uploaded to a 3DS from a PC. Whether the 3DS will accept or apply these files is another story, but that problem is...
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