It sits horizontal like any piece of electronic equipment. The Wii was fun and unique how it could sit upright and at an angle.
The Wii doesn’t need this ‘new version’ because the price is already at $150 (and actually $130 at many places like Wal-Mart). A cheaper price at $100 or $50 won’t be...
I didn't created this thread about searching a ilegal copy of the game and comments around this. I created this for talk about the game in general. Talk about that bullshit in the release thread
Price cuts do not sell a product to refusing customers or to markets completely distant. The price cut will only increase sales of the 3DS in the first tier. To those who refused consoles like N64 or GCN, the price cut means nothing. I paid around $250 importing the red Japanese DS back in 2006...
That "barely" PS1 emulator that let me play Crash Bandicoot at almost full speed and etc? Besides this port isn't something like Wii64 and WiiSX that use dynamic recompiling techniques and heavily Wii-optimized rendering. Also with this kind of optimization, you generally have to deal with less...
Shimomura only made like around 10 songs.
For all the people: If you expected an OST full of great work by Shimomura, you are wrong. What you got is an OST full of outstanding music by names you had never heard: ACE+ and Manami Kiyota (but absolutely hope to hear again). This is a fantastic...