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  1. jaredalert9


    9/10 i saw it in 3-D
  2. jaredalert9


    hello if you`ve seen avatar the movie rate it out of 10
  3. jaredalert9

    Pokemon Black/White Announced!

    when would pokemon end its like 10 years old
  4. jaredalert9

    Misc animal crossing

    im going to make a clan in animal crossing city folk and any one can join it its a a robber clan and we go to other peoples towns and cut there trees and take there furniture just add me as a friend my friend code is i will tell you later
  5. jaredalert9

    write your favourite band and song

    hello all i want to do in this is find out what everyones favourite band and song is my favourite band is beatles and the song twist and shout
  6. jaredalert9

    hi everyone

    hi everyone on gba temp my name is jaredalert9
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  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    I can smoke indica it doesn't phase me at all
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    but thc is like poison for the mind
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    The problem is getting regulated and not from some slut that could lace it with meth and fetty
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    it didn't have meth in it tho, didn't taste like chemicals
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    I was told meth smoke tastes like chemicals..
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Well they aren't flavored it's not like meth taste like strawberry banana
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I only believe in Marijuana if it comes from a reputable pharmacy
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    too bad meth causes so much harm. it sounds like being on a high on that stuff is something else... all I can say
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    I only believe in marijuana if it is very low on thc.
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    I forget what the other stuff is called that's in it
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I did k2 in my high-school days and saw white lights never again
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    I did special K with an escort once
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    didn't seem to have any long term effects
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    At least try robbing a bank if you're that down and depressed imo
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    later on she told me not to do that stuff any more, I was like yea well I don't know where to get it anyways lol
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    she thought it was coke
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    clearly was not coke lol
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    but man women.. idk... not too important
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    collecting video games is more important
  • Sonic Angel Knight @ Sonic Angel Knight:
    Save states is more important :P
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: