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  1. K

    Hacking Get SSBB(J) To work on almost all Modchips

    Thank you jdbye. I wanted to make sure as I own the Wii for total of 1 day and have been reading pages and pages and pages of posts. My original shrink wrapped japanese SSBB just arrived. So you are saying, I can do it without permanently bricking the Wii. Thx
  2. K

    Hacking Get SSBB(J) To work on almost all Modchips

    I would like to play original Japanese SSBB on US Wii modded with D2C - Do I do the following? * Update the US Wii to the latest firmware by plugging it into the internet/update or load Super Mario Galaxy game. * Check the configuration menu that it is firmware 3.1 * Load the original japanese...
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